Cincinnati Babies

Therapist/Counselor Specializing in Pre-Teen Girls and Blended Family Issues

I know I'm only on here very rarely, and I mostly lurk, but I could use some help. 

I'm trying to find a therapist for my 10 year old SD. DH, BM and I all met with SD last week to discuss with her why her behavior and attitude have been so bad lately. We accomplished a lot between the three of us, but not really in regards to SD.

DH and I have been married for 6 1/2 years. He and BM have been divorced since SD was 1, and SD doesn't have any memory of DH and BM together, or, frankly, a time when I wasn't in her life.

This was the first time BM, DH and I sat down together to deal with an issue with the skids (I have a 13 year old SS and 10 year old SD) that went this positively. BM and DH both admitted that they've been too lenient with SD and should have been stricter instead of giving in when she pulls her stunts. BM told SD that her treatment of us, especially me, has got to stop. That if SD, for any reason, blames me for the divorce or for the fact that BM and DH aren't together, to stop, because I wasn't even around then. BM told her that she (BM) was the reason for the divorce, because she was a really bad wife and did things she shouldn't have done.

Anyway, SD was extremely defiant, rude and disrespectful and wouldn't talk to any of us except to yell at me. So DH and BM finally took my advice and told her that SD is going to counseling. She screamed that she wasn't, and when BM told her she was and that was the end of it, SD told her she wouldn't talk to the counselor if we made her go. So BM said, "Fine, then you can sit in their office for an hour ignoring them."

So I'm planning on calling my sons' pediatrician for a recommendation (SD doesn't see anyone in the same practice as my sons), but I thought I'd reach out here to see if anyone knows of someone they think is a really good counselor who might specialize in girls with blended family issues.

Any advice is appreciated. TIA!

Re: Therapist/Counselor Specializing in Pre-Teen Girls and Blended Family Issues

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    This is my friend's practice if you want to give to check them out. I don't know everyone in the practice but Emily and Maggie are both wonderful.

    You can also go to the website for your health insurance and see who you'd be covered under. This may be your best best because counseling can get expensive. Another route would be to call FAIR, they're the access point for families seeking mental health services in Cincinnati.

     Good luck!

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    I'm an elementary school counselor, so I refer students to outside therapy all the time. What part of town do you live?
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