My first two are 21 months apart. I feel like I'm just now getting into a good groove now that DD is more independent.
We'd like a 3rd but I'm torn on putting them closer to 3 years apart rather than another 2 under 2 spacing. I'm looking forward to a break after being pregnant or nursing since 2010!
I can see the bond between the first two growin so strong will the 3rd be left out with a bigger spacing?
Re: 2 under 2, what about 3rd?
I can't answer the question, but I can say you're not alone in that worry. Mine are 19 months apart and they adore each other. It's just incredible to see them together, especially now that DD2 is starting to enjoy the things DD1 does and they are really starting to play together.
But as great as it is having them this close, I know we couldn't do 2u2 again. It's been hard and stressful and it's just not the right decision for us. We're still undecided about having a third, but if we do the spacing will likely be 2.5 to close to 3 years apart. I do worry that spacing a third that much farther apart would mean they are always left out or that it would make doing things as a family more difficult since we'd have 4 years between our oldest and youngest.
DD1 Feb 2010
DD2 Sept 2011
In a perfect world we would love to wait 3 yrs and have 2U2 with #3 and #4. I guess we will see what happens.
I am also looking forward to a break from being pregnant or breastfeeding and I have a least a yr before that happens.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
I too am torn on this. DD1 and DD2 are 23 months apart. DD2 has been so insanley easy that I'm sort of ready to start TTC again. Buuuut, we have that pesky daycare bill and adding a third to that for an extended period of time would suck. Though my husband thinks of it as we'll eventually be paying for daycare for a third so might as well do it when we'd like.
So while I'd love to have an even closer age gap between #2 and #3 we may try to space them more like 2 1/2 years apart. I still feel like that's a pretty close age gap.
After this one, we are definitely taking a break. I want to wait at least 3-4 years before adding another one to the bunch.
We actually plan on having more children though so I would ideally like to have #3 and #4 close together so I'm not worried about waiting and #3 being left out. I don't think I will go as close at 17 months next time.. but ideally closer to 2 years difference between #3 and #4.
Whoo, that's a lot of numbers!
Three is our magic number so I don't want them too far behind but a break sounds sooo wonderful.
And 3 in daycare doesn't scare me as much as 3 in college at the same time!
DH and I feel exactly the same way!
In my perfect world, I wanted a third when #2 was around 2.5-3. We did try for around 6 months to get pregnant but no dice.
Timing just wouldn't be right at this point in time so it really did work out for the best. I would completely be overwhelmed with a newborn/pregnancy right now given all we're going through with my youngest. If we do try again, it wouldnt be until the fall which would mean around a 3.5 year gap from 2-3 which I'm honestly not too fond of.
If money weren't an object I would just do 2u2 again but that's definitely not an option for us. Plus I'm not getting any younger and don't want to push too close to AMA (for me personally). I'm leaning towards stopping but definitely not 100% positive yet.
Our #2 isn't here yet, but we've always discussed possibly having 3 children, we will see how having 2 goes first
If we do decide on #3, I am not sure what spacing I want.. maybe another 2 years? (our DS's will be around 22 months apart, so just shy of 2 yrs). It really depends on DS2's temperament, how the boys get along, and how much I can handle. I am a SAHM so they will be with me most of the time, but we don't have to factor in daycare costs or anything like that. We also own our own home and have enough room for DC#3 to have their own room, so no space issue either.
BFP 5/21/10, Missed m/c 7/5/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 7wks), D&C 7/7/10
Aug/Sept 2010 - CD3&10 b/w & u/s, genetic testing, SA, HSG, & Lap/Hyst to remove septum
12/09/10 BFP -- 7/05/11 DS born at 33w5d. Came home after 23d in NICU at 37w0d
June 2012 - TTC #2! -- 10/05/12 BFP -- 5/23/13 DS2 born at 37w1d! Yay full term!
Surprise BFP 6/25/14 LO#3 due Feb2015!
<--- Been pregnant or nursing since Jan 2009
I am ready to get my body back, but I figure I might as well get it all done and over with.
full discloser: I'm a lurker/snooper in that I have one child who is already 2 so I don't qualify for this group.
I just wanted to jump in to say that my older sisters are 2u2 (22 mo apart) and I'm three years and three months behind the younger of them. I never felt left out, except maybe once or twice, but that's just as often as THEY felt left out. (When you have three you go through periods of two being close and the third not being as close, but it switches off which is the third depending on what's going on in life. At least that was our feeling with all being the same gender.) As adults, we are all close and obviously no longer even feel the age gaps at all.
So I would say give yourself a break and don't worry about it.
I guess I will add this caveat -- part of the reason it worked out was because of the grades we were in school. They were two grades apart even though less than two years apart, and then I was three grades apart from my middle sister even though she was a bit more than three years older. If the gap pushes the last one to be four grades behind I think that starts to make more of a difference. So consider school cut-offs in your decision making, maybe.
my girls are 14 months apart. we tried to do the same with #3 but it took quite a while to get pregnant again.
so #2 & #3 will be 2.5 years apart- i actually think it'll be a little less challenging than #1 & #2. my olders girls can play together & entertain themselves now. my eldest is potty trained & my goal is to have my youngest potty trained before # gets here.
so i think the spacing is actually pretty perfect this time around.
look at the birds | bless this food
DH and I just talked about this a couple days ago and this is our mindset as well...we have always said we want somewhere between 3-5 kids...I love the 2u2 concept...had several friends growing up who were part of a 2u2 sibling pair and they LOVED it. So to me it makes sense to do 2u2 (DD1 is 14 months and DD2 is due in June so 18m difference) then wait maybe 2-3 years before trying for another 2u2 pair.
My fear is what if we decide that #3 is it (for any reason...fertility, finances, just want to be done, etc)? I would hate for them to be the "odd man out"...something I also witnessed in friends' families growing up.
Decisions decisions!!!
Married to J since 5/05, Mommy to T (10/08), L (08/10) and C (02/13) who was born at home.