Welcome to the check in group for Pregnant After Preemie! This group is also for those who are actively trying to conceive, planning on it, or just thinking about it...
So, list your first name, due date if you're pregnant or ttc timeline, preemie's name and gestational age at birth as well as the reason for their prematurity.
Last week Updates:------------------------------------------------
IncogNeato-DD born at 36 weeks due to PPROM, DD#2 is due 2/10/13
kelly321- My DD R was born at 34w1d due to HELLP, and I'm due Feb 16 with DD2!
JuliaJAG - Julia: DS Jack, born at 29+1 due to severe pre-eclampsia. Surprise Baby #2 due March 16, 2013!
sucrets4, Danielle - DD Emmalynn born at 33w due to pPROM, #2 due 3/17/13
Kd&J- Keira born at 29 wks due to PROM at 19 wks, baby#2 due 3/29/13
sroddy12- DS name is Chance born at 31 weeks due to placenta abruption, #2 EDD is 4/3
jteneback, DD was born at 34 weeks 3 days after pPROM, baby#2 edd 5/21.
Natdubs- DD Lucy born 34 weeks by C-section due to vasa previa. #3 due 6/3/12.
TriciaandSean, Kieran born at 34.5 weeks PTL, #2 EDD 6/8/13.
Mommy2CB, Kristin- DS born at 33 weeks 5 days due to PTL, baby#2 edd 6/12
Punky917 (formerly AVA0908)-DS Noah born at 26 weeks due to pPROM. Pregnancy #2 resulted in miscarriage at 9 weeks 3 days, baby#2 edd 7/1/13
komurphy- DS & DD born at 27 weeks, baby#3 due 7/1/13
KitT.Kat-DD Veruka, born at 26 weeks due to Pre-E & HELL, baby#2 edd 7/6
Sdtchica13, Carrie-DD Corrine Reese born at 29 weeks 6 days due to a placental abruption and pPROM, baby#2 edd 7/11/13
jlemo, Jenny- DS Hunter born at 35 weeks PTL, baby#2 7/18/13
MamaAnnabird, Anna -DS Isaac born 34 weeks due to PPROM 8/23/11, pregnant with #2 due 8/22/13
L&R70707 - DS born 34w6days due to unexplained PTL, Baby#2 due 9/2/13
michelleigh24, Michelle TTC since 11/2/12, Jasper born at 36 weeks, due to short cervix, heavy bleeding through out pregnancy.
erikaja6, Erika - DS Jordan, born at 33 weeks due to IC
*Sweet Pea*, Jamie - DD Skylar, born at 29 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP
MaMaSzcz, Erica - DS, Grayson, born at 33 weeks due to prom and bifurcated uterus
MariaWaters- DD Gwenyth born at 34 weeks due to unexplained PTL.
hjweber- DD Hannah born 34w5d due to unknown causes.
DrRx- DD Adalyn born 26wd due to Pprom
Thinking about/Planning on TTCing:
lolen88, Lauren - DS Tanner, born at 32 weeks due to unknown causes
OscarQ- Alison, TTC in 2012, DS Kevin born at 26 weeks due to pre-e.
GLGB- DS was born at 33 weeks due to unexplained preterm labor
nayandjosh- Renee- DS, Christian, born at 27 weeks due to abruption, TTC fall 2012
Mybb- DS born at 28w1d due to severe pre-eclampsia
APRILYN501- DD Kaylee born at 32 weeks 3 days after PROM
Ajgibson-Janeen, DD born at 25 weeks due to eclampsia. Pregnancy #2 ended in miscarriage
CurlingRocks, DS was born at 31w 3d due to officially to PTL following pPROM at 28w, but mama was on SBR for 6 months due to SCH, FVL, and Placental Abruption at 13w 4d; DD was a MMC delivered at 18w due to septate uterus.
cfitz16, DS was born at 36 weeks due to pre-term labor. DD was born at 34 weeks when my
water broke after being monitored closely, pelvic rest and progesterone
Mommies (again)!
light52- DS2 was born at 35w 5d for no known reason, #3 born at 35w 4d
ericalee27, Erica - DS Quinn, born at 35w,4d due to pre-e. DS born full term!
eSynergy- DS was born at 36 weeks --- the reason is unexplained (just went into labor early), DS born full term.
Cara03-Cara, DS Jacob born at 24 weeks due to IC. DS Lucas born at 36w 2d
Angie637-DS Peyton born at 33 weeks due to pPROM. #2 and #3 born at 35w due to PPROM.
Lucy460-Lucy, DS #1 born at 35 weeks 4 days due to HELLP, DD born at 36w
Delphiaraven-Stacey, DS born at 34 weeks due to PROM, DS born full term.
Lili_h, Lili-DS Matthew born at 34 weeks 4 days due to PTL. DD born full term.
Amercana- identical twin girls born at 34 weeks 5 days, DS born full term.
Wally3, Eve- DS Johnny born 34w 3 days PROM, DS#2 born full term.
MeNV-Mel, Phinny born @ 34 weeks after water broke due to large fibroids, DS#2 born at 34w.
Kadyra-DS born at 36 weeks due to severe IUGR, DS was born at 32 weeks
Damabo80- DD#1 born at 31w due to HELLP/pre-e. DS born full term
katieguth- DD Melanie born at 31 weeks due to Severe Pre-E. DS born 8/15/12.
nat6102006-first DD born at 32 weeks due to shortened cervix/unknown preterm labor; DS born full term!
crazyanimals- DS, born 30w 1 day due to PTL then PROM, DS #2 born full term!
SnowPea25 - DS Baby N, born at 32 weeks due to severe pre-e. DD Baby A born full term!
KatFco- Katrina, DD Abby, 23w6d, unknown reason, DS, born FULL TERM!
weezie825 - DD, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DS born full term!
IrishSapphire- DS Aidan born close to 31 weeks (was not given a reason for him coming early), DD Noelle Elizabeth born at 34 weeks 6 days
becketts - DD Norah, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 born at 35w due to IGUR
jcsntms06, Jen - DD Annabelle, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e, DD#2 born 34w due to PTL
jaxlynn - DD Leigh, born at 35 weeks due to HELLP, DS born full term
Kimberlyd546 - DS Alex, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e , DS born full term
faeriequeeneonwow, Melissa - DD Sophie Jean, born at 30 weeks due to non-immune fetal hydrops, low amniotic fluid, and pre-e, DS born full term 1/26/12
alaratta1-DD Sophia born at 31 weeks due to PTL. DS born full term on 1/6/12
beachykeen1723, Rachel - DS Cooper, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD born at 36 weeks
beyoga, Deidre - DS Reid, born at 24 weeks due to unkown causes, DD born full term
albertabride06 - DS Dylan, born at 32 weeks due to short cervix/PTL, DD born full term!
ShannonSky, Shannon - DD Ellie, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!
kar5162 - DS, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!
mrsmikey, April - DS Eli, born at 32 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!
ijack, Ivory - DD Emma, born at 29 weeks due to placental abruption, DD #2 Quinn born full term!
njkaren, Karen - DS Brandon, born at 26 weeks due to fetal distress due to twin's loss at 20 weeks, DS #2 Wesley born full term!
LittleD8081 (formerly mrsfriend), Dawn Marie - DS Parker, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DS #2 Braden born full term!
justme04 - DS Ryker, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e and HELLP Syndrome, DS #2 Max born at full term!
lemen99, Kathy - DS Andrew, born at 26 weeks due to IC, DS #2 Elliott born at 35 weeks due to PTL and an unknown rash!
kamcfarlane, Kate - DS Ryan, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa, DD Ellen born full term!
ctrickey03, Christina - DS #1 Michael, born full term, DS #2 Christian, born at 32 weeks due to polyhydraminos and IUGR, DS #3 Benjamin, born full term, DD Serenity born full term!
luvdv8 - DD, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD #2 Elizabeth born full term!
Clotho!, Janet - DS Robbie, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DS #2 Simon, born at 34 weeks due to PIH and PTL, DS #3 Charles, born at 35 weeks due to PIH
mek10976, Megan - DS Simon, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e/pPROM, DS #2 born full term!
sweetpea18, Sara - DD Reese, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Grier born full term!
magdalina.h, Maggie - angel baby Aidan, born at 28 weeks due to failed cord, DS #2 Lucas born full term!
Hailie, Meg - DS Nolan, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD Maren born full term!
FemmeNat01, Natasha - DD Elena and DS Lucas, born at 33 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 Alessandra born at 31 weeks due to HELLP/placental abruption
Gwenypher7, Jen - DD Abigail, born at 32 weeks due to HELLP/IUGR, DS Cullen born full term!
Heather1979, Heather - DD Olivia, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM/pre-e, DS George born full term!
Tierelieber, Stephanie - DD Charden, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD#2 Adrienne born full term!
IAM4UK - DD Katie, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e/IUGR, twins Abigail and Emily born full term!
Sweets2005, Katie - DD Abby and DS Brady, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa/bleeding, DD #2 born full term!
mrssnflwr - DD born at 32 weeks due to unexplained PTL, DS born at 36 weeks!
ShanaNChris, Shana - DD Lily, born at 31 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DS Liam born full term!
Luvpinsanity, Ashley - DS Brennan, born at 35 weeks due to PTL, DD Addison born full term!
FaithRocks, Kelly - DS Trig, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e, PTL, and placental abruption, DS #2 Grayson born at 35 weeks!
Denesdia, Diane - DD Zoey, born at 25 weeks due to PTL, DS Ben born at 35 weeks!
sabloja - DS Hayden, born at 30 weeks due to pPROM, DD Madison born at 36 weeks!
RRHsMom - DS Ryan, born at 35-36 weeks, DD Meghan born full term!
msalinardi, Margot - DD Angelina, born at 26 weeks due to pre-e, DS Vincent born at 35 weeks due to pre-e, IUGR!
Aidge, Adrienne - DS Sam, born at 29 weeks, DS #2 Ben, born at 35 weeks!
mhop, Martha - DD Campbell, born at 27 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Maggie born full term!
Re: Pregnant (& TTC) after a Preemie Check in 1/31/13
I am STILL pregnant! I can't believe it either. Mentally and emotionally I am thrilled to be expecting a full term, plump (well, comparitively speaking but obviously I don't know exactly yet) baby girl any time now, but physically I'm pretty beat.
So, I get to be one of those huge waddling pregnant women who is prepping to eat spicy foods and take long walks! I'm starting to actually worry that I might go overdue and need to get induced. That would be ironic, huh? I needed pitocin with DD since my water broke with no contractions so I'm holding out hope that my body will do what it needs to do, when it needs to. My exam on Monday had me at 80% and 3cm so I'm hoping I'll meet baby girl in the next week to 10 days!
Wow 80% and 3 cm! I hope your LO plans to make her entrance soon. Praying for an easy delivery.
Eli 6.18.09 35.5w
Silas 1.25.13 35.4w 10 days NICU, allergies/asthma, gluten intolerant
Hi everyone! Today I'm the GA that I had DD1 at, so I'm thrilled to still be pregnant! Any day from here on out is a gift!
If DH could absolutely commit, then we would probably tell people. It's going to be Coraline Ann, so I don't know why he's dragging his feet. Whatever, I'll just go along until I have her so he feels in control, haha.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM
Hi, we had our 18 week anatomy scan and biweekly cervical check this week. We found out we are having a healthy and active baby boy. I was also told that my cervix thinned to 2.6cm (down from 4cm two weeks ago). The ultrasound tech mentioned that 2.5cm was the hospital cutoff. We also found out I have a low lying placenta--probably from the T c-section scaring. So we're just keeping our fingers crossed and staying positive until I go in for my next cervical check and OB apt in two weeks.
We announced our daughters name before she was born but didn't announce our sons name. Mostly that was because we both loved my DD's name from day 1 and didn't have a name chosen before my son was born.
Lily born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 4 oz.
Max born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 2 oz.
Glenn born at 31 wks: 3 lbs 9 oz.
My twin's birth story
Congratulations on baby boy#2. Praying that your cervix starts behaving. Definitely keep us posted.
I will be 22 weeks tomorrow and still feel good, just occasional back and pelvic pain. I'm curious to see how my cervix looks at my 24 week appt. My last dr. tried to tell me at my 20 week appt that my cervix was fine and there was no reason to monitor it going forward. I called the office (because in my opinion if I start to thin out it'll be between 20-30 weeks, not really before that) and asked for another opinion, and my original dr (who delivered Kieran) said that he definitely wanted to monitor my cervix at each appointment. This makes me happy even if it is unnecessary monitoring, better to be safe.
We waited to share our name when I was pregnant with Kieran and will do with this baby as well. We are not sharing any possible name ideas with anyone.
Yay Incogneato and Sucrets for still being pregnant! I still feel great except for my back being totally out, but a trip to the chiro Saturday morning should fix that. DH is actually really good at giving me the 17P shot, this week was even easier than last week, the man is skilled, lol!
Now if we could only agree on a boy name without causing WW3...
New here, can I join in? Newly pregnant, approx 7ish weeks. DS was my preemie, but my ODD was 3weeks early but no complications. DS is now almost 3, he was born at 29weeks, after pPROM at 23weeks (SCH dx at 10weeks that caused pPROM and PTL). I spent 5 weeks on HBR (which SUCKS), and then he spent almost 5 months in the NICU. no one could get his lungs figured out. Came home on high flow O2, and a gtube. When he was approx 18months, he was O2 free, and as of October of last year, we are gtube free! Well, sorta. It's still there, but we're not using it anymore!! He's a petite little boy, only weighing 20lbs, and with little stick limbs lol, but he's doing awesome.
So now I'm pregnant with #3 and sorta in a panic about what will happen. Feb 5th seems to be d-day around here--that's when I was hospitalized 3 years ago with him, and then last year thanks to RSV.
Hoping to hit my due date, or at least my MONTH, which has never happened before :P