I finally splurged and bought two supposedly fabulous fitteds last week, an S'bish and a Grovia Kiwi Pie. I noticed a bad snap on the S'bish before I ever used it. (They're sending a replacement diaper and repairing the original one.) Today I was folding up the Kiwi Pie, which we've only used once, and it already is missing a snap! Argh! Is it just me, or do fitteds often have snap issues?
Re: Another broken snap?!
I haven't bought too many fitteds, but I made a lot of them. Are the snaps going through all of the layers of the diaper? If I try to put a snap through too many layers of fabric they tend to pop out or fall out.
I would be extremely unhappy if I bought them and had that happen though.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
*hangs head in shame*