Cloth Diapering

Wanna help me figure out my wash routine? Soft Water

I have been cd'ing for over 20 months now. The first 15 months were wondering. Wash routine was great and had no problems. Then we moved and the water quality changed. We now have soft water (after I thought we had hard water for months).

In the beginning I was using Tide original. Once I figured out that wasn't working anymore, I switched to RNG Hard Rock with a cap of Calgon. I had tested our water with a testing strip and it read hard water (RNG informed me later that it would have still be under CR RNG). They sent me a new testing strip and I retested. I have SOFT water. Some how I messed up the first test. So I have been washing my diapers in RNG HR with Calgon for over two months. They started not getting clean even before they left the washer and our ON diapers had really bad ammonia. 

Now I am not sure where to go. I am currently Rockin' a Funk Rock soak in my tub with some really hot water. I have 48 pocket diapers, more than 48 MF inserts, and several prefolds. 

If you have soft water, what is your wash routine? What detergent do you use? Help me figure this out. I am at a loss and about to give up cding. We are looking into purchasing ON fitteds and some wool. But I really need to get my routine figured out before I spend any more money on CD's. 


 ETA: Title Change 

~ Cassie ~

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Re: Wanna help me figure out my wash routine? Soft Water

  • My water is more in the normal range, but I use Tiny Bubbles.

    I don't use MF which tends to stink more, I use only natural fibers.

    I would stop using Rockin Green, it sucks.

    Honestly I think you should strip your diapers because you probably have buildup from using too much detergent. I'd go back to Tide, and play around with using less detergent. Soft water requires much less detergent than hard water.

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