Baby Names

She's here-finally chose the name! (Jan '13 bmb repost)

This board was so patient with me as I agonized over two names - Sofia and Livia.  In the end DH and I just knew she was Livia.  We still think Sofia is a beautiful name, but after seeing her, our hearts led us to Livia.  Just thought I would share our story to you here... Thank you again for all of your helpful input in our name search!

Copied from the post from Jan 2013 BMB 

Livia Marie was due 1/27 and arrived at 6:29am on 1/28.  She was 7.5lbs and 19.5".

Short-ish version:

At my 39w appt I was "high and thick".  No signs of anything.  Started mild contractions 1/26 every 30min, these went on for about 15 hours but never intensified.  Then around midnight on 1/28 they went to 12 min apart, by 3:30pm they were 6-7min apart.  I took a shower which felt amazing, but the contractions started picking up.  By 5am they were 3-4 min apart. 

We had our babysitter rush over to be with DS while DH packed the car.  Contractions were running back to back 2-3 min apart.  Time was ticking!  I loaded up into the back of a 2 door convertible and labored in agony over every bump on my knees, 15 min to get to the hospital and I felt I needed to push.  I had a contraction in the parking lot that about took me out.

We got inside, I had to virtually jog to L&D because I couldn't bear the pain of a wheelchair.  Stripped down in triage, screaming "it's coming!".  They quickly checked, I was 8cm.  They rolled me down to a room, transferred me to another bed, my body started pushing.  It was INSANE!  They were yelling, don't push! don't push!  Doc was not in the building, an intern was attending me.  No time for the IV, I was at 10cm.  They flipped me over and I started to push just as the doc arrived.  Two pushes and out she came!  35min after we arrived in the parking lot. 

We left after 24 hours are are happy to be home with DH and DS!  I was thrilled to get to labor at home for virtually the entire time after being induced with DS.  Natural birth was ridiculously intense but more amazing than I ever imagined! 

ETA: Need to work on inserting a pic soon.  She is beautiful with dark wavy hair like her papa.  

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