Just out of curiosity..
DH and I are thinking about Oliver if we have a boy. Two of our good friends (they were in our wedding, we were in theirs, we will see each other often) are currently pregnant and are having a girl. Their top choice is Olivia.
Would you be put off if you named your child Olivia and your good friends named theirs Oliver? I realize Olivia is quite popular, but I still think that some people might be bothered by it. They are clearly having a baby before we will, so I don't want to offend anyone.
Re: If they name her Olivia..
It's fine IMO.
I would as long as we weren't related. Sure the kids will grow up together but they'll undoubtedly meet other kids with similar names anyway.
As the mom of an Olivia, I wouldn't think twice if friends named a son Oliver, it's their choice.
All this.
I wouldn't think twice about it.
It's not like you would be naming your son after their daughter.
FWIW, DD is Josephine and my cousin's son (so DD's second cousin, I guess) is Joseph. The respective names were chosen to honor separate people. Joseph is a Jr and my Josephine is named after my father in law. It's NBD.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I think it's fine. My name is Kristen and my cousin's name is Christopher and we both sometimes go by Kris/Chris which can be confusing at times but it never bothered anyone as far as I know. Also my brother is Eric and our cousin is Erika. Again, was never brought up as an issue and we see them quite often.
Like pp said though, if you are concerned just talk to your friends to get their feelings.
D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
I have two close friends, both with daughters named Olivia who are only three months apart. They chose the names separately. The first had hers and announced the name, at that point the second said that was their top choice and they agreed both could use the name without any hurt feelings... it helped that one planned to nn their daughter Liv and the other has since taken to calling their Ollie.
I think it would be worse if you were talking Olive and Oliver. Like PP said, Olivia and Oliver sound different enough and as long as you let your friend know your intentions I think it should be fine.
Side note - my brother Max grew up with a Maxine, they love the fact that they "share" a name!!
Thats fine.
I think it would be a little different if they were both girls called Olivia and Olive or something.
It's a name that you had already decided on, and they are friends, not live in relatives. You aren't going to see each other every single day. You may even see each other less than you think once you both have children.
Not at all!
You have every right to choose the name you like.
I know someone who actually did that. It was really weird, and when I heard my friend tell me about his siblings Olivia and Oliver, I thought they were twins with awful matchy names...
OP, I think you're good.