July 2013 Moms

Is it "weird" to reveal baby's name before birth?

When my old boss was pregnant years ago she was open about the name of her unborn son and I overheard several people say it was "weird" that she was announcing the name before the birth. Another coworker preemptively said it was a secret until birth before anyone even asked. Now that I'm preggers I get a lot of "have you thought of names yet?" and one of my girlfriends wanted to go through the names I was considering. I don't really have an opinion on this but it seems like a polarizing issue where some people don't care about revealing names and others consider it a faux pas. Is there any traditional/cultural thing that dictates that revealing the name is bad luck? Anyone have an opinion on why they'll choose to share or not share?
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Re: Is it "weird" to reveal baby's name before birth?

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    We shared last time and will this time again when we figure it out.

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    My husband has told all of his coworkers who are all done having kids and all of our immediate family knows. I work with a younger crowd so I've only told a few people who I trust our name is unique and we don't want it to explode in popularity like our boy's name did haha.
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    My family is pretty nosy and feel you're leaving them out by not telling them the name. LoL. I don't mind telling others bc it's not going to change my mind if they don't like it or if they do. 

    Not sure about it being bad luck though. I've never heard that before.  

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    We are sharing our names already and I think it's not weird haha many of my friends did before birth and shower and had a lot of presents with embroidered names and cute things like that :)
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    We won't actually choose a "for sure" name until baby is born. We don't mind talking about the options, but I don't offer to unless someone asks. Everything is still up in the air, I don't have my heart set on any one name at this point. I don't think it's weird, at all, to share the name ahead of time if you have decided on it and it won't change. I just prefer to wait until baby comes to decide (it's what we did with our son). Plus I like to leave SOMETHING left unknown. :)
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    The only reason I'm keeping my hush hush is because I've told a few of the very early picks and I was told ewww and nooo and what not.  So we're just not telling because we don't want to hear what anyone thinks about them.
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    A lot of people share names once they find out the sex and settle on baby's name. I'm not going to just because I like having something left for surprise.

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    I think it is really up to you,  My BFF had decided on the name before birth and shared it.  It was fun to be able to get him some monogramed things and blankies with his name on them. 

    We have decided not to share mostly because we want to see the baby before we make a final decision (so we will take a short list to the hospital with us) and because I don't really want other opinions to influence our decison.  We are happy to discuss names as a whole but won't be telling the short list or the final name until the LO arrives.

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    I have shared if people ask. Although I did learn with my cousin if you say i don't know. People will start offering names, names you don't like, and then if you suggest them they will think they are up for suggestion.

    SO. I have shared my names matter of factly, as to put these are not up for discussion. You wanted to know and now you do. I don't really want to hear you dont like them. Lol

    IMO people who keep them secret have weird names. Lol. Peope who share them are confident and have normal ish names.

    Or know they have people who will give bad comments.
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    We shared with DD and will this time too.  I think it is just personal preference.  If you want to share, share.  If you don't, don't.
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    I don't think it is "weird" at all, but a personal preference I suppose. Once I found out the sex of DD and knew she was a girl, it took maybe a week to decide on her name and from that moment, I called her Cadance Michele! When I talked to her, I said her name, my Mom would talk to my stomach and say her name. Everyone thought it was cool that I picked her middle name after my Mom.
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    It seems everyone is confirming my original feeling that this is just a preference and shouldn't be judged either way. I've just been confused by the numerous pregnancies I've seen at work over the years and how some people were judged for sharing a name and/or adamant about keeping it a secret almost like they were offended they were asked. I figured there was an old superstition about it being a bad thing.

    Also I find it surprising that anyone would criticize a baby's name before its birth and not after. I feel like it is equally rude either way. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I don't see any reason why it would be okay to criticize a baby's name to the parents. If this is a common scenario I may be more inclined to keep it a secret outside family.

    But then again, speaking of criticizing baby names...my dad told me that a random door to door fortune teller came to our door while my mom was pregnant and told them if they did not name me by my name I would die. They got so freaked out and I guess they didn't mind the name cause they ended up using it. xP

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    We waited until DD was born before we shared her name. We will probably do the same with this LO.

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    It seems everyone is confirming my original feeling that this is just a preference and shouldn't be judged either way. I've just been confused by the numerous pregnancies I've seen at work over the years and how some people were judged for sharing a name and/or adamant about keeping it a secret almost like they were offended they were asked. I figured there was an old superstition about it being a bad thing.

    Also I find it surprising that anyone would criticize a baby's name before its birth and not after. I feel like it is equally rude either way. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I don't see any reason why it would be okay to criticize a baby's name to the parents. If this is a common scenario I may be more inclined to keep it a secret outside family.

    But then again, speaking of criticizing baby names...my dad told me that a random door to door fortune teller came to our door while my mom was pregnant and told them if they did not name me by my name I would die. They got so freaked out and I guess they didn't mind the name cause they ended up using it. xP

    Some people name their kids stupid things. Nevaeh anyone? 

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    imageMrs JillB:

    It seems everyone is confirming my original feeling that this is just a preference and shouldn't be judged either way. I've just been confused by the numerous pregnancies I've seen at work over the years and how some people were judged for sharing a name and/or adamant about keeping it a secret almost like they were offended they were asked. I figured there was an old superstition about it being a bad thing.

    Also I find it surprising that anyone would criticize a baby's name before its birth and not after. I feel like it is equally rude either way. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I don't see any reason why it would be okay to criticize a baby's name to the parents. If this is a common scenario I may be more inclined to keep it a secret outside family.

    But then again, speaking of criticizing baby names...my dad told me that a random door to door fortune teller came to our door while my mom was pregnant and told them if they did not name me by my name I would die. They got so freaked out and I guess they didn't mind the name cause they ended up using it. xP

    Some people name their kids stupid things. Nevaeh anyone? 

    My personal fav is when I saw on tv that one of the Jacksons named their kid Jermajesty. While I probably wouldn't be able to keep a straight face I still wouldn't say anything to the parents. 

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    My upbringing has roots in a culture steeped in superstitions and taboos but even though though I don't subscribe to it, I still have a reluctance about declaring a name before the baby is born.  Many cultures and groups consider it taboo to make those kind of preparations for an unborn baby, including setting up a nursery or having baby showers, but that is not the way for mainstream US. I do think it's prudent to avoid sharing the name early on to give yourself room to change your mind and to prevent rude and insensitive comments from people.  Also some people don't want to share because they feel someone might "steal" their name from them.
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    No it's not weird at all! It's actually nice to have an answer for the millions of people that will ask you what you're naming it. I hope we can have ours picked out after the anatomy scan again this time. I'm all for it.
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    In some cultures, the norm is to keep the name a secret until birth. My experience though is that in mainstream US it is considered normal to share the name before birth.
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    Also a July 2013 Mom!
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    No Not at all. We have told anyone and everyone who asks and its totally normal.
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    I don't think it's weird. We are keeping it a secret because we are naming the baby after my dad and I want it to be a surprise for him. Personal preference otherwise!
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    We shared last time and will this time again when we figure it out.
    Same here.
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    I don't think it is weird, but I know in some cultures they have a more superstitious approach to it and don't do it, or have showers. Alternatively, I have been invited to showers where the baby's name is on the invitation since it has already been decided.

    We don't simply because we don't finalize the name until we meet the baby in the hospital. (Read: this is when DH finally gets serious.) But I usually don't mind sharing some of the names on our list with close friends or family members.


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    I am sharing if they ask and I know I won't hear "Oh my god so werid why don't you name it Ashlee or Vivian" or "It must be still up for debate then." Not because I expect them to love the name I picked out but only because its my pick for a girl that gets the most grief and I don't feel like hearing it or having to repeat "Its my child and this name I have picked has meaning for myself and my fiance.".  

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