
I'm so EFFING pissed

I loaned some of my maternity clothes to a friend.  She was due about 6 months after me.  Her DD is now 15 months old and she still hasn't given me back all of the items.  I've asked repeatedly.  I knew I'd see her on Saturday, so I left a message asking her to bring my clothes.  She said she "forgot."

My BF and this friend have a mutual friend.  The other day, my BF complimented the mutual friend on her cute maternity shirt.  She said that our friend loaned her a bunch of stuff.  This girl just posted a pic of her belly on myspace...guess whose shirt she was wearing? 

The shirt in question is one I SPECIFICALLY have asked for several times because I wore it a ton with L and I know it's long enough to cover my huge belly while a lot of my other shirts are getting too short.

I can't believe my friend would loan out clothes that weren't hers in the first place and I'm even more annoyed that she LIED about "forgetting" it when she knew damn well she'd loaned it to someone else.  And she had to have loaned it out AFTER I asked for it back because this girl is due several months after me and I've been asking for my stuff since my first tri.

I know there's always a risk when you loan stuff out, but I'm livid.  Plus, HELLO?  If I loaned her a bunch of my stuff, why wouldn't she loan me some of the stuff she bought in return?  I mean, isn't it kind-of give and take? 

Re: I'm so EFFING pissed

  • Big girls don't lie.  I'd have a little chat with her about it. 
  • That's not cool.  I'd be livid!  I'm not a fan of liars. 
  • Loading the player...
  • Yeah, I'd be pissed. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • MySpace has really put a damper on things for those people who do rude and tacky things, hasn't it? That is THE way for people to get busted these days!

    I agree that it was pretty crappy for your friend to give your clothes to someone else. I've always heard "never lend anything you think you'll want back," but with friends it seems like that rule wouldn't apply.

    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • I would be mad, too!  Can your friend contact the MySpace chick and tell her what happened and ask for it back...or is that too "through-the-grapevine"?  I wouldn't have the guts to call my friend out on it, but if you do, go for it!  Maybe just call her up and say, "Hey, I saw that your friend X is wearing my maternity shirt on her MySpace page.  Could you get it back from her by this weekend?"  Ugh.  How completely annoying.
  • I would be livid too and HAVE TO say something to her!  That is soo rude!
  • I would be so mad.  And I would definitely confront her.  Are you going to?  Please do and then update... I'd really like to know what happens! Big Smile
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That's outrageous!  If you uncomfortable confronting her directly about what happened (which I would), how about sending her an e-mail asking when is a good time for you to stop by her house to pick up the rest of your stuff?  Give her a couple of of days and times and ask which one of those work for her.  If you go to her house, she can't claim to have forgotten them.

    I never lend my clothes or shoes to anyone.  I just don't like other people wearing my stuff, so I would rather just give them away.

     Good luck!

    Mom to Charlie (02.06.07), Emmett (03.28.09), and Lillian (11.11.11)
  • Confront her in person.  Tell her you need your stuff back as you are growing a big baby belly.  Tell her you will be at her house on 'x' date to collect it.  Tell her specifically what you want back.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • Oh that is totally wrong! I would definitely say you are coming buy to get your stuff this weekend and can't wait to wear "that shirt" again.  Then when you pick it up you can say "I was happy to loan you my clothes, but you really should have asked before loaning them to someone else who would then plaster a picture of it on MySpace".
  • Oh, I would so confront her about that shit and then I would end up feeling like an ass about it (not for saying something, but for the way it would inevitably come out because I would be so pissed). But I wouldn't be able to stop myself. That's just wrong.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Now that just sucks!
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