November 2012 Moms

Balloons, who knew?

So DH and the kids bought me a balloon bouquet and had it delivered to work this weekend since it was my first day back. So of course the big kids love balloons, but I discovered Charlotte does too. I loosely tied it to her wrist and she's been bouncing it around and smiling and talking to it for almost 20 minutes now. I may have to spring for balloons more often!
Mommy to Evelyn Clare born 6/23/07, Ryan Hansen born 12/10/09, and Charlotte Nicole born 11/1/12

Re: Balloons, who knew?

  • Every time we go to Old Navy (which is more than I would like to admit) DS1 has to get a balloon.  And those suckers last forever!  I should bring them out so DS2 can play too.  :)
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