The dog name post of me thinking about Maggie, one of DH's favorites. He likes Margaret/Maggie and I like Magdalena/Maggie.
I also really like Mary Agnes as a two part FN. Once someone responded to me that she knew a Mary Agnes who was NN'd Magnus. While I wouldn't use that necessarily, do you think Maggie could be a NN for Mary Agnes? Or is that too much of a stretch?
(Agnes is a family name for me so I'd like to use it if I can get DH on board. Maybe his preferred NN would help.)
Re: Maggie as a NN
I love Maggie a lot. I vote for Magdalene!
It's a bit of a stretch, but it could work. I like Mary Agnes. I don't hear Mary often (could be me) and think it's such a pity!
Didn't you previously post about Iris Bernadette? I think that's a good option too.
P.S. Your boys are adorable (and they've got great names)!
I did. But after I typed it out I realized that Francis and Iris are too rhymey for me. That's kind of a problem I have with Agnes too. I'm trying to decide if Mary Agnes as a double FN makes the -s ending less matchy with my son's name. Really struggling with a girl name!
It totally works-- and it's adorable!
I am a fellow double name lover, so I am really swooning at this name combo.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I understand. I don't think that Francis and Iris are too rhimey, however, both their names ending in '-is' is quite matchy (and from what I'm gathering, you're not too fond of that). I was going to say that Mary Agnes sounds completely different, but the -es ending of Agnes does sound similar to the -is of Francis... However, Mary Agnes as a double name does make it a lot less matchy than just Iris or Agnes.
I like it.
We've considered something similar if this baby is a boy ? we both like Sam, but are lukewarm on Samuel/Samson, etc. But two of our family names are Silas and Americo, so we've considered Silas Americo nn Sam.
You can also do Mary Agnes as a double first name and a G middle name. My mom's initials are MEG and she's always gone by Meg.
Baby Name Popularity by State
When I hear Maggie - I think of Meghan/Megan
3TC March Siggy Challenge: Funny Internet Meme
Age: Me 26, DH 27, Married Oct. 10, 2009 ,TTC since March 2012
Problem: Irregular menstruation, unexplained
Nov&Dec-Provera because of no period after 35+ days
First RE appt 1/10/2013
Tests: TSH (normal), Prolactin (normal), SA (abnormal)
Hysteroscopy (normal) and PCOS labs (negative/normal) 1/15/2013
2/1/13- HPT BFP but Beta Hcg was negative
Plan: Femara + Trigger + IUI in April if no real BFP before then Bloggy Blog!