Hi all, expecting our 2nd in June. Our first is almost a decade out of diapers. Question for moms who use childcare: We have onsite childcare where I work, which is awesome, but they don't permit cloth diapering. I really had my heart set on doing this, but having my child so close during the day is too important for me to give up, so we'll be going with this center regardless. My question is this: do those of you who were in a similar situation still think it's valuable to diaper at home on evenings and weekends, even if disposibles are used during the day?
Thanks so much!
Re: Question for moms with babes in childcare
This was posted yesterday:
and this this morning:
Should answer your questions.
Congrats on the new baby by the way! I have a 7 year old and a new LO. It's a lot of fun to have them further apart. I love watching them interact!!
Thanks so much! Off to read those threads now.
I love the gap we'll have between kids. DS got the only child experience in a way, and this one will too. I love the stage of his life now and how mature he's becoming, and can't wait to see him interact with baby sister.
I should note that I'm not the first person to raise this issue - a couple of co-workers before me have tried for the past couple of years, with no success. Seems like the center is unwilling to change its policy. It's now just a matter of whether I want to take the plunge and do it.
Also, I/we will be home with the baby for at least the first 6 months, so it might still be worthwhile to CD in that time.
I think it's definitely worth it to CD at home, especially since you're taking 6 months of ML!
Regarding the center's policies - I get that you're going there no matter what, but I think it's still worth it to ask again. The more moms who ask, the more likely they'll eventually cave. I approached mine saying "I've ordered a few different kinds and before I order the rest, I wanted to see which are easier for you. Could you try them out for half the day and let me know what you think?" The trial day went well, so we continued.
Another way to sneak in a trial day if they aren't totally open to it: you'll have to see what happens once your LO is here, my DD's rash gets worse in disposables - so you could try pulling the Dr's note on them if your daughter gets a bad rash and say it's just til the rash clears up. They might come around by the time she recovers.