Cloth Diapering

To many diapers ? LOL.

Even with both boys in cloth right now I have enough diapers to go every 2 1/2 - 3 days washing. Should I do that or should I buck up and do laundry today even though I have enough to do laundry tomorrow. 

I did laundry on sunday afternoon.  I only ask because I have house hold laundry to do and would rather catch up on that and folding regular clothes and do diapers tomorrow.


Also LOL at to many there such a thing? 


Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: To many diapers ? LOL.

  • I often wait 3 days to do diaper laundry, but I only have one child. I would only be concerned that the washer would be too crowded to get the diapers clean.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • imageDaisyJanie:
    I often wait 3 days to do diaper laundry, but I only have one child. I would only be concerned that the washer would be too crowded to get the diapers clean.

    I was thinking I would do half in one wash and half in a second wash and then dry all the inserts together at once.  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • imagekiraliz2:

    Even with both boys in cloth right now I have enough diapers to go every 2 1/2 - 3 days washing. Should I do that or should I buck up and do laundry today even though I have enough to do laundry tomorrow. 

    I did laundry on sunday afternoon.  I only ask because I have house hold laundry to do and would rather catch up on that and folding regular clothes and do diapers tomorrow.

    Also LOL at to many there such a thing



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  • I do laundry every 3 days, but right now that only gave me 4 diapers in the load. Also, the diapers are only pee diapers. I don't think I'd want to let something that was pooped in sit more than a couple days.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • We're bad and used to go 3 days most of the time but they definitely get cleaner in smaller loads. And now with two in cloth we're definitely washing EOD!
  • imageMintBerryCrunch:
    We're bad and used to go 3 days most of the time but they definitely get cleaner in smaller loads. And now with two in cloth we're definitely washing EOD!

    How are you?!?! 6 days already! How is the recovery going? Are you feeling any better with the PP hormones ?  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Once Cade is in his OS dipes he will have enough for every 3rd day. Right now it's every other day.
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  • I got 2 packages in the mail, a WAHM diaper and a HH from Mamabargains so I ended up doing laundry so they could go in my stash. LOL. 
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We have a lot of diapers.  I have gone up to a week before washing them.  It is definitely a full load, but they get clean.  Right now I can go up to 6 days, I think.  I normally wash because we are out of nighttime diapers.
    Abigail Grace 9/7/10
    Nathaniel Willis born sleeping 2/6/14
    Felicity Hope 4/6/15

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