What is your birth story?
I was born in April in a huge snow storm. My dad called the police and they had a snow plow/police escort to the hospital which was 30 miles away. When they got there the power was out and I was breach so I was born emergency C-section on the backup generator. Then, because my parents weren't married and my mom was under general anesthesia, they wouldn't let my dad hold me until she woke up.
Re: s/o Birth Stories
DS2 August 2012
My mom was in no rush to get to the hospital, my dad was more anxious. They went, she got settled in a room while dad and doc no doubt went for a smoke and perhaps watch some hockey. Mom calls a candy-striper in and says "I think this baby is being born". And I was.
Doc apparently was ticked.
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BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
I was already ten days late so they decided to induce. They gave my mom the pitocin and mom/dad went to sit in the waiting room to play cards while the doc went to lunch. It apparently worked really well b/c I crowned while they were still playing cards and was born in the hallway on the stretcher, without the doctor.
I was also born at a really rural hospital (no ultrasounds, they told my mom I was going to be a boy several times), but they still were somehow in this research program that was studying the transition from the birth environment. Immediately after being born, I was placed into a basin of water and stayed there a while (10 minutes or so).
What the?
I know, pretty crunchy for a redneck hospital, huh!!? My parents both tell the same story and they're divorced so no way have they collaborated to lie to me on this, ha ha!
My mom didn't know she was pregnant with me until she was 5 mos along... then I was born a month early. My mom's water broke a day after playing a women's softball game (hitting and running the bases) and she had to be induced eventually because she wasn't progressing. I was eventually born on my parents' first wedding anniversary.
About all I know is that it was a quick labour and it was like -50c.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I was 3 weeks late. They admitted my mom (in a VERY rural hospital) and she had a c-section the following morning. My grandfather was a surgeon and while the OB cut my mom open, my grandpa pulled me out, smacked me on the butt to make me cry and was the first person to hold me.
I think it's pretty awesome that he got to deliver his daughter's baby.
I was two weeks late. When my mom went into labor she panicked because she thought my dad wouldn't make it for the birth (he worked 40 minutes away.) Well, 36 hours later I was born lol. Needless to say, my dad made it in time.
My mom also had a spinal and got such a bad headache that she couldn't even move. Somehow she still managed to breastfeed, but I guess she had to stay a couple of extra days in the hospital because of the spinal. She decided to have an unmedicated birth with my sister.
The OB had gone home because he said it would be a while when mom tried to tell him i was coming NOW. The nurses had to grab an intern out of the hallway. I shot out and he fumbled me for a bit before getting a hold of my neck.
My mom births big babies. My brother was 7.9 at 3 weeks early, i was 8.12 and my sister was 9.10. All med free. And all at least a week early.
I was over 3 weeks late, and they started an induction with my mom and it failed-she has no idea what they used, prob something like cervadil. So they waited 48 hrs and put her in the hospital and said they would try to induce again but if nothing happened c-section time. She said she was dilating but not fast enough, and the dr who was delivering had to go to a neighboring hospital to do an emergency c-section. He told her if she wasn't crowning by the time he came back he'd see her in the OR. He came back 2 hours later and my mom started pushing, I was born after 45 minutes of pushing. There was placental breakdown and the dr said she was lucky???
My mom said she remembers it so clearly because she couldn't believe she didn't need a c-section. Or that they let her go after a 1st failed induction. Gotta love the 70's.
When my mom was in labor and they got to the hospital she told my dad she wasn't going to go through labor again and to take her back home. He had to spend a little while convincing her to go into the hospital.
Also my aunt was in charge of taking care of my brother while my mom was in labor and she showed up hung over and puking all morning. I guess my brother ended up walking around the next couple of days gagging and pretending he was puking.
That's all I got.
Mine's boring. Born August 1980 via c-section. No apparent reason for the c-section. My Mom says she got scared into it.
She had a VBAC with my younger brother.
I was born on Christmas Day. My mother cooked Christmas dinner while in back labor (she didn't know). The turkey was dry, she burned the pie and she forgot to make half of the sides. My father had to return to the apt after dropping her at the hospital, to make sure they didn't leave the stove on. I was born via emergency c-section because my heartrate dropped and there was merconium in my fluid. They actually had to put my mom under general anesthesia because the spinal block wasn't working. The cord was wrapped around my neck twice and I was blue, but I pinked up quickly and I don't suffer any lasting effects. The first words that I "heard" when I was born was "hand me the goddamnn scissors" because the nurses didn't respond fast enough to the doctor's initial order.
My poor mom: I was born after about 32 hours of labor and the doctor broke her tailbone using forceps to pull me out. Also, during labor my dad left the hospital and went next door to get a burger and an Awful Awful. My mom was pissed about that. Labor was the first time my father heard my mom cuss.
Fun fact: While my mom was the hospital passing me through her vaginal canal, my grandfather was in another hospital passing a kidney stone through his urethra. He found out I was born when my mom's uncle snuck in a bottle of Old Grandad.
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
I am so sorry for you. I know it totally sucked for my mom to deal with a newborn and a broken tailbone.
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
I was born March 13th 1990. My Mom went into labor 3 weeks before her due date. My Dad took her to the hospital and she labored for hours, but only made it to 4 cm. Her contractions were really intense and she had stalled out. Instead of helping her along by breaking her water or something they gave her morphine to help her relax. They then made her turn to her side. At this point they lost my heartbeat completely. They tried turning her, placing an internal monitor, ect, but could not get my heartbeat on the monitor. So they rushed my Mom to the OR. They put her completely under cuz they did not have time for an epi. Turns out my cord was shorter than my body and I had rolled onto it. My Mom has an old school emergency section scar (so it's lateral). I then spent a week in the NICU for "suck, swallow, and breathe". Which means that I forgot to breathe when I ate and turned blue. They said it was unusual for me to have this, since they only see it in preemie's.
That is my birth story.
My mom's water broke at my cousin's 8th birthday party. My cousin still hasn't forgiven me for ruining her birthday. I was born the next day and was a "blue baby" according to my mom. She said my umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and I wasn't breathing.
As scary as that was, her experience delivering my brother was worse. She was in labor for 3 days, and when he finally decided to make an appearance, it was one foot first. He stayed that way for quite a while and she eventually had to have a c-section. By the time she went into surgery, she had the paperwork ready to have her tubes tied so she would never get pregnant again.
First of all, and something I think is pretty cool b/c it doesn't happen that often - is that I was born on my due date...at 11:18 pm so I almost missed it : )
My mom loves to tell me that she was watching the Bill Cosby special "Himself" and that her laughing at it put her into labor. Apparently her water broke while she was laughing, so she and my dad packed up, went to the hospital, and she labored with me for 24 hours - got an epidural and had a vaginal delivery, pretty uneventful.
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14