Cloth Diapering

Happy laundry mistake!!

My mom helped with my laundry is the last crazy days before my wedding a few weeks ago. Anyway I was getting dressed out of the clean clothes basket this morning and noticed that 2 of my husbands wool sweaters had been felted!!

Instead of being pissed, I'm excited to make some longies or soakers for my coming baby!! Yay!

Anyone else have some happy accidents?

Re: Happy laundry mistake!!

  • I dyed some of DHs white tshirts pink thanks to a red stripe on a sock. I cut them up with pinking shears and have some lovely pink baby wipes now :) 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • About 6 months before I started CD'ing MH dryed one of my wool sweaters in the dryer.  It literally shrunk so small I could have put it on a 6 month old baby.  Unfortunately I didn't know how awesome wool is for CD'ing so I threw it out.  That was an unhappy mistake. 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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