Colorado Babies

Happy Tuesday! How was your weekend?

I figured to keep the board a little more active we could do a highs and lows of the weekend kinda thing. So, how was your weekend?! :)
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Re: Happy Tuesday! How was your weekend?

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    My weekend was just alright. The high was buying some new lipstick at Sephora. I can't even remember the last time I bought something for myself!

    The low for the weekend really bugs me. My husband and I took the girls to the park in our neighborhood. While we were there, he noticed BB pellets hitting the playground equipment. I immediately took the girls home while he investigated. He never saw the kid, but a neighbor said she saw a teeneage boy walking around with a BB gun. We ended up calling the cops, but nothing happened since we never actually saw the kid. And then they scolded us for not immediately calling 911. Who shoots,BBs at a family with a baby?! 

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    Great idea! Thanks for doing this :)

     Let's see...the highlight of my weekend was that we got our nursery area painted! I finally feel like we're doing something productive and it's making things feel that much more real. 

    The low point of my weekend was that my poor beagle had a seizure in bed early Saturday morning. She's had seizures off and on throughout her life and the vet thinks she has epilepsy, but since they weren't all that frequent and usually not too severe, we decided to hold off on medicating her for it since that means she'll be on even more meds for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, Saturday's episode makes 2 seizures in the last month where she hadn't had any for over a year...we might need to consider medicating her now, especially with the peanut on the way and both DH and myself working full time (he's been going to school for the last 3 years). 

    Btw, that totally sucks about the BB shooter! That's a horrible horrible thing to do! I hope they figure out who it was! 

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