
staph infection?

anyone have any experience? DD has a staph infection, just on the skin surface. We got a note home from daycare last week that a student had it. Then today they called me and said that she had some red spots on her body that looked like what the other student had. Took her to the doc and the NP said that it did look like it could be staph and gave me an antibiotic cream and an oral antibiotic. they don't look like they are open or weeping. just tiny red spots. i guess they could open up, two of them look like they could be going in that direction. she had a pimple on her arm last week so i am guessing thats where it started or that was the start of it. DH is off the next two days so we are just going to keep her home. The NP said that if they are covered they aren't contagious. But bandaids irritate her skin so I don;t want to do that. her clothes do cover them though. I'm just worried daycare will give us a hard time ( i do plan to call the doc back and ask for a note before thursday). anyone have any idea how long this can be contagious for? will being on the antibiotic make her not contagious or will she be contagious as long as the spots are there?

any advice or experience is helpful. TIA 

Re: staph infection?

  • I've had staph twice, if they do open keep them clean, and make sure everything she's worn is washed in hot water, sheets, towels, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. it can live for a very long time on surfaces

    Edit: they are contagious until they have healed, either burst and scanned over, or disappear. Is what my doc said
  • imagecutie420311:
    I've had staph twice, if they do open keep them clean, and make sure everything she's worn is washed in hot water, sheets, towels, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. it can live for a very long time on surfaces

    thank you. 

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  • Is it Impetigo? We just got over a round of this. Impetigo is a staph infection but the symptoms usually include small red bumps. DS had them on his chin and around his mouth. I took him in and he was prescribed and oral antibiotic. We were also advised to wash all his bedding.

    The doctor told us after 48 hours of antibiotics he would no longer be contagious, but the bumps may take longer to heal if they scabbed.


  • I've had it and band aids with neosporin worked better than regular band aids for me. 

  • imageZoeylucy:
    I've had staph twice, if they do open keep them clean, and make sure everything she's worn is washed in hot water, sheets, towels, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. it can live for a very long time on surfaces Edit: they are contagious until they have healed, either burst and scanned over, or disappear. Is what my doc said
    This. My husband got it one summer from cutting himself on a boat lift and subsequently getting stitches and he got recurrent small spots for 3 months

    Just want to say I agree with all of this as well. I got staph infections on my legs when I was pregnant, it was a total PITA.

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    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

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    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

  • My DD has been hospitalized twice for MRSA boils/cellulitis (for about a week at a time). They are such a pain in the butt! Get you some Hibiclens (it's sold at walmart and your major pharmacies... it's the stuff that surgeons scrub with before procedures) and use that on your child when you give them baths. I usually put some directly in the bath water (like you would bubble bath... you'll have to keep that water away from their eyes), but also washed her with it too. You'll want to use a good lotion afterwards (we use aveeno)because it does dry the skin. Apply the cream your doctor gave you (hopefully it's bactroban) per their orders. Keep the wound covered with some kind of bandage, preferably waterproof.

     Wash all of the kid's clothes/sheets/towels seperately from everyone else in hot water. If they are whites, use bleach! Bleach all bleachable surfaces in your house (the tub, sink, toilet, kitchen counters, etc) and spray lysol on everything else.

    DD's started out as a little pimple both times, so keep an eye on the area and make sure it isn't getting bigger, and also look for spreading redness.You might take a sharpie marker and draw a ring around the outside of the red area/pimple to make sure it's not spreading. If it does spread, especially if it seems to be growing outside that marker ring quickly, or if she starts running a fever, get her to the doctor or ER (preferably a children's ER if available... our local hospital ER was absolutely useless in treating her for this) asap. Early intervention is the key to getting it to heal faster.

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