Cloth Diapering

Making cloth wipes

We use baby washcloths or some flannel wipes I got from another mom whose LO PT. The edges of the flannel ones are serged. Has anyone made their own wipes without a serger?

Can you tell I know absolutely nothing about sewing? (Well, I can sew on a button if necessary.) 

If you have made some, do you like double sided flannel? Or something else? 

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Re: Making cloth wipes

  • I made cloth wipes with double sided flannel and also one side flannel one side terry cloth. When she poops I like to use the terry side. I do not have a serger. I pinned the wrong sides together left an opening and used a straight stitch. Then I turn the right sides out and use a zigzag stitch all the way around and from corner to corner which makes an x and helps keeps the wipes from bunching up and the material separating in the wash. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions.

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  • I made some out of flannel and just cut them with pinking shears. You have to wash and dry them a couple times to get rid of extra strings. Also cutting them off before the next wash. They arent pretty with fuzzy edges but it beats sewing a crap ton of them, IMO.

    If i were to sew them, i would make them double sided, sew them inside out and flip them right side and top stitch. I dont have a serger and zigzag takes FOREVER and i usually get a little fraying that way anyway.
    Chad and Fawn

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  • imagegrimesk12:
    I made cloth wipes with double sided flannel and also one side flannel one side terry cloth. When she poops I like to use the terry side. I do not have a serger. I pinned the wrong sides together left an opening and used a straight stitch. Then I turn the right sides out and use a zigzag stitch all the way around and from corner to corner which makes an x and helps keeps the wipes from bunching up and the material separating in the wash. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions.

     I did this and they turned out great! I used receiving blankets that we had to make them and baby wash cloths. 

  • Made mine out of old receiving blankets! 
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