We've made it 8 months and my period returned two weeks ago. Since then, I've noticed my boobs are flat pancakes and DD is hardly getting anything when she nurses. This resulted in a crying spell that lasted an hour before I figured out she was still hungry and broke down and gave her formula. I feel so inadequate :
I know with the return of your period comes a drop in supply but I was expecting it to pick back up by now. I've increased my water intake, taking Fenugreek, eating healthy...nada. It is taking longer and longer for my milk to let down to the point where she is getting frustrated. I'm not ready to throw in the towel but I'm not sure what else to do at this point. I battled major oversupply issues in the beginning so this is new to me. I'm a SAHM so she rarely gets bottles. I have several hundred ounces in the freezer I could resort to but I'd rather give her fresh if I can
DD nurses every 3ish hours and eats three meals a day. She usually wakes once at night to eat.
Suggestions? Is this my body's way of saying I'm done?
Also posted this on the BF board. Just wanted to see if anyone else in our stage is going through the same thing.
Re: XP: My boobies are empty :
Probably not what you want to hear, but I went through this with both of my babies. With DD I didn't have a great supply, so it was always a struggle and I pumped like crazy, did fenugreek etc. That got me to about 7.5 months and I couldn't do it anymore. I dropped down to feeding her morning and night and supplemented the rest and loved it (hated pumping at work).
DS is a much bigger boy and I have a better supply, but he (and my pump) are letting me know that my supply is tanking. I'm supplementing and considering morning/night, but I'm not there yet. There are hoops you can try to jump through, but for me, it wasn't worth it.
When I tried everything else, my doctor suggested drinking 1 beer a day when your supply gets low. Apparently beer really boost your milk supply. It really worked for me. I drank it after my last pumping session...when I didn't have to pump again until the morning. I exclusively pump.