My boys are one month old today, and also at their EDD. I've also noticed that they have longer alert periods but have also gotten much fussier than they used to seemed at the beginning that they were just too sleepy to be fussy....I should have appreciated those days more lol! Anyway wondering if anyone's experienced something similar? What seemed to cause the fussiness and what seemed to help?
Eta: they are often cranky right after eating and burping so I don't think they're hungry....
Re: Fussy twins?
Yep! I soo miss when they used to fall asleep immediately after eating. And never cry. Ever.
We just went through 4 weeks of colic, and it seems to be calming down finally. We're hoping the constant need to be moved, rocked, bounced, paid attention to passes soon too. Some babies are just fussy, but if you are BFing look into eliminating certain foods from your diet, especially dairy. That helped us.
Eta: Happy due date to your boys!
I shouldn't complain but one of my boys is an absolute angel and only cries when he REALLY needs something otherwise just hangs out while awake and very observant... whereas my other boy will be fed, burped, changed, cuddled up nice and warm, and then fuss/cry sometimes for extended periods of time, to the point of being inconsolable... even when held.
We did try CIO last night per the direction of our Pedi (longest and hardest 10 minutes EVER) and it worked. I had to go wash dishes while my husband sat near him because I just couldn't stand it!
Married since June 2010
TTC #1 since 04/2011
3 abnormal PAPs and 2 colpo/biopsy since 09/2009
LEEP 05/2011
ASCUS PAP 08/2011 which means no PAP for 6 months!! YAY!!
BFP 11/6/11!! EDD: 7/15/12
1st u/s 11/21/11: TWINS!
16 wks 1/30/12: BOY and GIRL!
Schedualed c-section for 7/2/12 38wks 1day
Went into labor 6/25/12 37wks 1day. Delivered two healthy babies
Oh yes, we also had this! Mine were 4.1 weeks early and it was like a switch flipped on the DD. We also used gas drops starting at about this age, no diagnosed reflux or anything for us, but the gas drops helped when they were just 'fussy'. Happy DD babies!
My boys' fussiness peeked at about six weeks and it got much, much better after that. What helped for us was using the 5 S's from Happiest Baby on the Block. It is not necessary to buy the book, if you google 5 S's you can read about it.
I don't know if you are BF or not, but I noticed that when I stopped trying to stick to a three hour schedule and started feeding more on demand, the fussiness got much better.
Katie599 you bring up a good point about BFing; when they left the hospital they were doing a bf/formula hybrid as per doctor's orders. Now I have been moving more and more toward ebfing and it's just doesn't hold them as long as the formula. sigh