Guys. I'm gonna go crazy trying to finish these dryer balls.
Ok, so what I did was take a golf ball sized scrap of the wool sweater I had. Actually, now that I think of it, it was smaller. Ping pong ball? Anyways. Then I wrapped it with wool yarn. Now...they're pretty "heavy" I thought that's the way they were supposed to be. I picked some up today when I was at the CD store today and they are way lighter than the ones I made. Is that bad? So, I still have to throw some roving on top and felt them. They'll be a little heavier. Probably not noticably, but they will be. Should I just remake all of these balls with 100% roving? Or do you think this is ok? Boy oh boy...I will never make these mistakes again. I thought I did everything right and now I realize I did everything wrong. OY!
Re: Balls.
Ok. Maybe I'll only put like three in there not the five that I planned. We'll see. I will play around with it, see what it does.
I wouldn't make them out of 100% roving. I tried it with one and I stopped using it because I felt like 1) it wasn't dense enough, and 2) it wouldn't last as long as my yarn/scraps cored ones.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.