Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Sleeping--CIO? Teething? up 2/3/5 hours. Advise please!

OKAY so this has been going on for about a month now.

At first it wasn't so bad, but now it has been continuous for about 2 weeks. And it's driving ALL of us bonkers.

DD goes down around 8/8:15 and is usually asleep before 8:30

Around 12/1am I hear her starting to whine- so I get up and give her her pacifier and she sometimes just takes it and falls back asleep.

The past 2 weeks she won't take it and starts to cry once she sees me! So of course I pick her up and cuddle her and bounce her to soothe her and calm her down.

From there I lay her down and she either snuggles back up with her bunny and falls asleep OR cries and I again pick her up and take her out and change and feed her (2oz).

This can be a good or bad thing- it either snowballs and she wakes up every 2/3/5 hours OR she sleeps until 7 or 8 am.

Also she can take a minute to fall back asleep. She hums and kicks and makes little cooing noises- which are cute, don't get me wrong, but come on girl! You, me and daddy need sleep!

She sleeps in a crib in me and DH room- while I can tune out her little noises and such, DH can't and gets upset. I've told him to go sleep on the couch but he won't so he sits there and complains.

I think she may be teething- so sometimes I put Hyland's on her teeth and that helps but again sometimes it doesn't.

I don't know what to do!!! Crying it out is hard when you share your room with your LO. Plus I am not really a fan of letting her cry it out.

Any advice or stories of what you've done would help!

Thank you all!


Re: Sleeping--CIO? Teething? up 2/3/5 hours. Advise please!

  • Hi!  I'm sorry you're having trouble.  Have you tried not going to her when you first hear her fussing?  It sounds like seeing you is getting her more wound up.  We let LO whine a bit when he wakes up and nine times out of ten he goes back to sleep within 5-10 minutes.  Of course if he *cries* we soothe/feed whatever he needs but sometimes he just needs to fuss himself back to sleep.

    You may want to re-evaluate your sleeping situation if LO's normal fussing between sleep cycles is bothering you and your H or if you are waking her up (and vice versa...).  LO might also sleep better in her own room.  I loved co-sleeping (LO was in our room until  6 months) but I had many friends who slept better (and baby slept better) once they were in their own room.  Even our good little sleeper now sleeps longer and more soundly in his own room.

    If you want to have her in your room (I totally get it!) you could try a white noise machine so that she isn't bothered by your sounds and vice versa.

    I know it's hard!  Best of luck :)


  • Thank you for the reply!

    yes. Once we move I feel like things will be better.

    I do have a heartbeat bear but it times out after 45 minutes

    I'm going to try letting her whine a little and see if she falls back asleep. That way she doesn't see me at first and get all excited.

    Thank you so much!!! 

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  • We are going through the same thing and have been for 4 months. It's awful. Lo has never slept through the night. I am trying to allow him to soothe himself back to sleep but it is so hard and I hear him and want to comfort him. He's in the room right next to ours but I always can hear him even without the monitor on. My sister told me to get ear plugs and just let him cry till he falls asleep. I can't imagine letting him cry for potentially hours. I don't know what to do but I have to do something because this can't go on. I am so exhausted as is my DH. Let me know if you find anything that works. Good luck.
  • I'm sorry you are in the same boat! It is hard for sure! I don't mind letting her coo and talk and babble to herself. It's when she starts to cry that I go to her. I couldn't imagine letting her cry for too long :(
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