Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Does my baby have a cold or is it teething?

Hi ladies, I am new to this board as my baby just turned 6 months. My DD has had a dry cough for about 5-6 days now. I took her to the dr but he said her lungs were clear. She's been coughing really bad at night and she wakes herself up and if I nurse her and she coughs again she'll just throw up. She also has a stuffy nose at night. Today she's been coughing and now has a runny nose. I'm wondering if this can be a part of teething because she has been teething for a couple of weeks now. Do any of you ladies have any experience with this? I really want my baby to feel better. 
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Does my baby have a cold or is it teething?

  • Im not sure if its teething or not, my baby had a cold about the same time literally the day after she had her 6 month shots. runny nose, little cough. It could be anything. Maybe get a humidifier and put in your babies room at night but leave the door open. that seemed to help us a little. we gave her baby vicks but it gave her horrible diaper rash every time we used it. :(    with the throwing up maybe its the formula or she hasnt had a good burp? if your breastfeeding watch what you eat if you eat spicy food. i had super spicy garlic chinese chicken when i was sick so i didnt know how spicy it was (i had no sence of smell) and breastfed her..4 hours later she was throwing up continusly for 6 hours. :(     


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  • DD woke up this morning with a fever, runny nose and cough.  We were getting ready to bring her to the dr. when I spotted a tooth! 


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  • Thanks for the replies ladies! I let her sleep next to me now since she's not feeling well and I'm afraid of her choking if she throws up while shes sleeping. I also have a cool mist humidifier on in the room. Congrats on your baby's tooth!! That's so exciting. It makes me think that this could be part of her getting a tooth. I hope she feels better quickly!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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