I've been using EPO orally and vaginally for the past two weeks. Three days ago I was only 1 cm dilated. I stimulate my nipples till they are sore. I walk as much as I can. We have sex as much as we can, which ends up being about every other day.
Anyone have any other ideas to help naturally induce me?
If I am dilated more by Monday (in two days) my MW will strip my membranes, but she can't do it if I'm not dilated.
Re: Natural Ways of Inducing at 39 weeks
You can get a massage with clary sage oil, especially one that combines the acupressure the PP mentioned.
Castor oil is always an option. If you are nervous about ingesting it you can always try a pack on your abdomen. This website tells you how to do it https://www.fitsugar.com/How-Make-Castor-Oil-Pack-How-Help-You-Heal-14859281. Otherwise, you can mix two tablespoons into orange juice or something else to help mask the taste.
They are going to try that tomorrow if I am dilated enough. They tried last Wednesday, but I was only 1 cm dilated. I'm now hopping the full moon is in my favor. Friday is the scheduled CS date.
How soon after you had your membranes done did you go into labor? Did your water break?
I was 2 cm at my appt on 40 wks 3 days. It was 9 am when my membranes were stripped, and I felt dull cramping every 30 min until 5 pm when the contractions started picking up. By midnight they were 5 min apart for over an hour, so that's when we went in. Good luck! It all takes time.