Factors to consider... Intro :)

DH and I will TTC in March, and I just confessed my desire for a VBA2C to him. 

My background:  First CS was at 42w3d.  No signs of labor.  Didn't want an induction, so scheduled a CS.  Turns out that DS1 had a life-threatening birth defect and CS ended up being a blessing for his survival.  

Second CS:  I was ready and raring to go for a VBAC with DS2, but when my doctor told me I had diastasis recti(DR) and a hernia, I got scared that things would get more complicated, and I scheduled the RCS.  

This time around, the DR and the hernia are still factors that I worry about, but I'm going to get more information from the doctors about what it means to go through labor and delivery with these conditions.  If any of you ladies have DR and a hernia, I'd love to hear anything you know.

Another thing that worries me is that our nearest Kaiser that will deliver VBA2C is an hour and a half from my house.  Clearly, in an emergency situation I can proceed to any emergency room for medical treatment, but I do worry about my intended medical professionals being so far away for some reason.  

Looking forward to reading more stories of successful VBACs!!  


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Re: Factors to consider... Intro :)

  • I have diastasis recti and an umbilical hernia and they were not an issue at all for my VBAC.  Like my OB said at one appointment "oh you have a hernia." And never brought it up again.  I have never heard of diastasis recti meaning you can't labor--a large percentage of women develop it during pregnancy.



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