First I apologize if this is the wrong board to ask this on but I thought you gals would have a deeper resolve for this situation so TIA if I?m correct ?
But I?ve this good friend; on our last ?girls night out? outing her sister joined us then asked if we thought she was a good mother! No one said anything that was negative, hurtful; however since that evening (my) friend, another of the girl?s in our group and I had lunch earlier today we were discussing/talking about what she ask we?d been thinking about that question - our responses at the time. Now having second thoughts ? (background) her sister sleeps in until 10:30-11:00AM every morning then when she gets up going on Facebook - playing games all day.
Now for additional background (sister) --- she?s 24 years old with a son that will be 3 years old on March 2nd. She was pregnant when getting married. Their son is still in diapers, not potty-trained (no prospects of this ever happening), still on a bottle, can?t feed him-self, does not talk, can?t dress him-self, has no respect for them or anyone else including his aunt, no social skills what so ever, fights with other children, and just bullying, and downright mean. She and her husband (if you can call him that) have no control over/of him nor do they even seem to care. They both think he?ll grow-out of this behavior so they just laugh about it all! It seems to us (this includes sister) that she is really not that good a mother! Our friend would like her sister invited back - then setting straight ? as to what a good mother really is - then does to become one. This friend really wants her sister to do a much better job ?
So I?d like some help/input WDYT of her and WWYD to hopefully help out? TIA
Re: Dilemma ?
Hearing your side of the story, I don't think much because it just doesn't make any sense. What is her kid doing while she's sleeping late and playing games? How is he such a bully when he's not even speaking? I know alot of kids, especially boys, are not potty trained at 3. Are her and her husband legally married? If so, I'd call him her husband. DD doesn't dress herself, I didn't think at almost 3 most kids did. I know alot of times my nephew, 4 1/2, wants his parents to feed him. I think it's just a quirky, attention getting behavior, not a reflection on the parents.
My main concern is that you say he doesn't speak. If that's true, there may be something wrong with him. I just really don't understand how a kid who doesn't speak can be a mean bully. If he does speak, it sounds like he's a 2 year old who can be a brat, just like any 2 year old.
I'm not also sure what you said to her when she asked. I don't think it's really any of your business, unless your very close to her, to tell her you rethought your original answers and you think she's a terrible mom.
my read shelf:
Is this MUD? Because I find this post very ironic considering the quotes about judging others in your signature.
If it isn't MUD, I say mind your own business. He isn't three yet and you're surprised he isn't potty trained or dressing himself? That is very common. And if he truly isn't talking or feeding himself then maybe he is slightly developmentally delayed. Again, that isn't something that she should be judged for nor is it an indication of a bad mother. I see no reason that you would need to "set her straight".
First Ladies let me thank you all for your commits ...
ETA: to correct some spelling errors - sorry
Again ladies I wish to thank each of you for these wonderful responses. I and the other lady basically just listen to her since she seemed concern and upset about her nephew his progress and her sister so I took it upon my-self to see if I might get some help for her since I care deeply for her and her friendship ...
So again thanks to all you wonderful ladies for all your help ... Thank you, Thank you !!!
OMG that was hard to read. And I thought your siggy was another post entirely.
Perhaps on a girls night out, you keep the mom-scorecard at home.
Not sure you know how late she sleeps, I know plenty of 3+year old boys who are not potty trained and why you felt the need to add that she was pregnant when she got married is beyond me.
I think nothing of her. I don't know her.
Do you really want to help out or do you just want to feel superior? And if you do want to help out, exactly how do you imagine that would manifest itself?
A lot of boys aren't potty trained at 3.
I find the bottle usage weird, but I also know of a lot of people whose kids still use them at 2. It's so, so odd to me but it's not representative of bad parenting, IMO.
If he's not speaking, how is he such a tyrant? Often, toddlers act out physically (hitting, biting, kicking, etc) out of frustration due to the inability to verbally communicate. She'll find herself playdate-less pretty soon if she is not intervening and helping him cope during cihld-child interactions.
And my pedi monitors speech and other developmental milestones, so I would assume hers is too, but I dunno.
I would back away very slowly from this entire situation.
As a special education teacher... this was my EXACT thought!
Just because a child has the physical ability to hear and to speak, does not mean he doesn't have a developmental delay. In addition, a person is not a bad parent just because their child has a developmental delay.
It sounds like you have a third person account of this womens life. Which, is to say, you know nothing. If you truly want to help your friend and her sister than stop judging and start providing support by getting involved. Offer respit care, run errands for them, or be there to listen whenever your friend's sister needs to someone to talk to.