Cloth Diapering

Going to the fabric store....Give me some ideas!

I'm going to the fabric store on my way to my parents house either tonight/tomorrow morning. I will have access to really nice sewing machines (And I'm finally bringing mine back)  I'm going to make new crib sheets for Tiny, and cloth wipes. I also am thinking about getting snaps and making unpaper towels. What should I make those with fabric wise? 


Give me some easy ideas! :)  

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Re: Going to the fabric store....Give me some ideas!

  • I haven't sewn in years, so I won't be much help with most of your questions.  Did want to say we got some free AC terrycloth wipes with one of our purchases & I'm loving them.  They really work well getting off stuck on poo.  So I vote for some sort of terrycloth to make your wipes. 

    Have fun!

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  • imageCLLDLL:

    I haven't sewn in years, so I won't be much help with most of your questions.  Did want to say we got some free AC terrycloth wipes with one of our purchases & I'm loving them.  They really work well getting off stuck on poo.  So I vote for some sort of terrycloth to make your wipes. 

    Have fun!

    Oooh good to know. I have a box of fabric at my parents house that has Terry cloth in it already....along with some flannel from the first time I wanted to make cloth wipes.  

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  • Flannel for one side of napkins or unpaper towels. Flannel for winter sheets. Cotton for summer. Mmmmm...I love me some flannel sheets on a cold night.

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  • The cloth napkins I have are all flannel - but I've thought about making some that are chenille on one side for a little more "picking up" power.

    How about some reusable snack bags? You can make them from any leftover scraps of cotton (like the corners cut out of your crib sheets) - I made mine double layered, just add some velro or snaps and you're good to go!

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