DD1 is Alana Summer.
Not sure if baby #2 is a boy or girl yet but working on ideas. Please choose you favorite/least favorite boy name and girl name from my lists below.
Shiloh David
Jace David
Avery David
Titus David
Violet Ruth
Juliette Ruth
Collette Ruth
Re: Choose your favorite
Love the girl names - LOVE Juliette
Boys names are not totally NMS but they are growing on me. I only know girls name Shiloh So I am uneducated for it to being a boys name.
I don't like any from the boy list (except David). Shiloh is too girly/feminine for me, Jace is too Teen Mom for me, Avery has been taken over by the girls and is feminine and I don't care for Titus.
I like all of your girl names and I like them in the order you have them.
I like Avery best of your boys names but it is so trendy for girls that it would deter me personally. One of my best friends is a woman named Shilo and she hated her name growing up.
I love Violet, I like Juliette and Collette is nms but gets lots of love on this board.
D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
Favorites: Violet Ruth & Avery David
Least favorite: Juliette Ruth & Shiloh David
Baby Name Popularity by State
Avery David
Collette Ruth
Shiloh David
Violet Ruth
ETA: I totally forgot about the fact that Angelina Jolie has a daughter named Shiloh. That alone makes it seem more feminine to me. I can't really pick another boy name though, because they are all kind of NMS
Boy...I would have to go with Jace or Titus. I don't love either but they are OK. Shiloh and Avery are girl names to me.
I really like Juliette from your girl list.
Sorry, but I do not like any of the boy names.
Violet Ruth--love Violet
Juliette Ruth--love Juliette
Collette Ruth--not too big on Collette
I don't love the middle name Ruth, but I don't hate it.
I like David a ton!
I like Titus the best on that last.
For girls I like both Juliette and Collette though I like Collette a smidge more.
David is the only boy i like
I love colette and juliet
I love David, but as a fn, not really a huge fan of your boy names but Titus is my favorite.
Girl names are all nice. Hard to choose ... hmmm, I'd say Violet, then Collette (very different and not as popular as the other two), then Juliette. Most people prefer "Juliet" FWIW.
Couldn't honestly pick a boy favorite.
Violet Ruth is very nice.
This for me.
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BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c 9.16.13 @ 11w4d
BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!
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Do I have to choose a boy name? My favorite is David...much better than any of your first names. I guess Shiloh is the best of the first names.
LOVE Collette, but I've seen it spelled Colette...two 'L's' makes me think it possibly could be pronounced Call-ette, and I usually pronounce it Cole-ette
This for me too.
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