
Post happy things here

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like there are a lot of raw feelings here after the last few days.  I thought we could all use a feel-good post to launch us into the weekend.

Post happy things here! 

Re: Post happy things here

  • I love Apples to Apples.  Have fun, and good luck regarding the house!

    I convinced my husband that we should take a trip up to Maine over Presidents' Weekend to see if the area we've been considering for our dream home is a place we could be happy.  I'm in love with Vermont, and we have solid roots there, but it's so much cheaper in Maine that we are considering it, too.

  • This is a story about a family who wasn't looking to adopt when they received an e-mail about 5 Peruvian siblings who needed a family.  The story stuck with them, and they ended adopting them at the end of 2012!

    Be sure to check out the mother's blog:  I just wish she used a different font, because my eyes are crossing from the one she chose. 

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  • It's friday :) and I have no plans this weekend! No parties....nothing to do. That is rare and I like it! Especially since it is so cold!!!!!!
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  • This time next month I will be on vacation!  And in 32 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes my DH and I will be leaving for Vegas!  Our first vacation in over 2 years!  And two of my sisters are coming!  Yay!
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  • This made me smile this morning.  DD, age 3, has decided that her new sister must be named "Cookie."  I asked why, and she said, "Because everyone loves cookies.  Everyone will love little sister if she is named that." 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
  • I'm in california for the weekend, for work, but I also have lots of friends in the area that I'm going to get to see.

    We also had some more contact with the birth parent we met the other night asking us a few more questions- specifically our opinion on circumcision and what we'd want to happen to the original birth certificate---so feeling slightly "up" about that...



    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageStacy092306:
    This made me smile this morning.  DD, age 3, has decided that her new sister must be named "Cookie."  I asked why, and she said, "Because everyone loves cookies.  Everyone will love little sister if she is named that." 

    She's so right!   Everyone loves cookies!  How utterly adorable!

  • We took a completely spontaneous trip to California last week and DS did awesome (they all did, but i'm especially proud of him).  

    3 years ago he would flip out if he was away from home for more than a few hours...2 years ago he really struggled when we would do an overnight visiting family a couple hours away...1 year ago he still needed a lot of coaching and prep for travel...and now, with no more than a night's notice, he got on a plane for the first time, flew across the country, and loved every minute of it.   I feel like my scared little bird is opening his wings to fly :)

  • imageStacy092306:
    This made me smile this morning.  DD, age 3, has decided that her new sister must be named "Cookie."  I asked why, and she said, "Because everyone loves cookies.  Everyone will love little sister if she is named that." 

    That is hilarious!  Quite logical I have to say.  I love how the minds of LOs work.

    BTW - she is ridiculously adorable.  I love the picture of her in your siggy.  Smile

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  • AR: I had a nice chat with DD's preschool teachers about her adoption today. And learned that one of her teachers has twins from her SEVENTH IVF. I can't imagine what that was like.

    NAR: I made a new friend/acquaintance at Target this week. DD and I showed up the same time as her and her squishy DS, and we chatted in line at Starbucks. Saw her again today and I'm thisclose to suggesting a mommy playdate ;) And DD is in a mode where she'll ask who got her something (an item of clothing, the food in her hand, etc.). If I tell her I did, she'll run at me, give me a bear hug, and say, "Thank you Mommy!" Melts my heart every time.

  • Not IF related -- my mom has been battling kidney disease since last May.  Her numbers have been up and down so it's been a bit of a roller coaster (kind of like adoption!), waiting to find out if dialysis/transplant will be necessary.  She just had a very good appointment today.  Her numbers are looking good!
    Married Since 09/2006, TTC Since 09/2010 
    DX: Unexplained infertility, DH normal 
    3 Femara cycles - Oct, Nov, Dec 2011, all BFNs 
    IVF #1, ER 2/15 (5R, 4M, 4F), ET 2/18, Beta 2/29 = BFN :( 
    Follistim + IUI on 6/25 = BFN 
    Home Study Finalized 8/14/12! Profile Active - 8/17/12! 
    Officially Matched 8/29/12, Our perfect angel born 9/25/12! 
    Biggest surprise ever, unexpected BFP on 4/12/13! 

     Our Angel through Adoption
     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Our Little Miracle
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagecrene84:
    Not IF related -- my mom has been battling kidney disease since last May.  Her numbers have been up and down so it's been a bit of a roller coaster (kind of like adoption!), waiting to find out if dialysis/transplant will be necessary.  She just had a very good appointment today.  Her numbers are looking good!

     Where's the like button? That's great news!

  • imageDr.Loretta:

    Not IF related -- my mom has been battling kidney disease since last May.  Her numbers have been up and down so it's been a bit of a roller coaster (kind of like adoption!), waiting to find out if dialysis/transplant will be necessary.  She just had a very good appointment today.  Her numbers are looking good!

     Where's the like button? That's great news!


    Married Since 09/2006, TTC Since 09/2010 
    DX: Unexplained infertility, DH normal 
    3 Femara cycles - Oct, Nov, Dec 2011, all BFNs 
    IVF #1, ER 2/15 (5R, 4M, 4F), ET 2/18, Beta 2/29 = BFN :( 
    Follistim + IUI on 6/25 = BFN 
    Home Study Finalized 8/14/12! Profile Active - 8/17/12! 
    Officially Matched 8/29/12, Our perfect angel born 9/25/12! 
    Biggest surprise ever, unexpected BFP on 4/12/13! 

     Our Angel through Adoption
     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Our Little Miracle
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We just got the email that we're bumped up to #13 on the waiting list, and they're looking into another orphanage to see if we'll partner with them to place children for adoption. So cool! I really hope the new orphanage is ethical so we can get placed faster (and you know, for all the other reasons too).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    Application approved Dec '11
    Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
    After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
    Homestudy complete July 19
    USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
    Come home, baby A!
  • Whenever my oldest gets off the bus and sees me, he gives me a big running hug.  It is awesome. And he calls bees "bum bum bees."

     My little one tries to get out of time-out by blowing kisses.  It is hard to not laugh.


    Adoption Blog Updated 2/15
  • I had a great conversation with my best friend the other night and am excited about a girls day tomorrow.

    And it snowed this week which always makes me happy.

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  • Today was my dad's retirement party. He has been such a wonderful dad, role model, and confidant in life but to look around a room filled with people who feel the same way about him reminds me how truly lucky I am. It was a great day!
  • DD is starting to speak! This month, she learned to say apple, baby, uh oh, owl, and a host of other unintelligible sounds that actually mean something to me. For instance, "dee dah" means "please down" :) so awesome to have her telling me stuff! :)

    Our Adoption Blog & Fundraising Efforts

    Heading to China in November 2014 to bring our son home!

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