Late Term and Child Loss


I went to the eye doctor this week and they asked me if I had any major medical changes since my last visit....

does a 19 week pregnancy loss count???

I said no...just because I didn't want to go into it and possibly get emotional (and it was the eye doctor so it really didn't seem pertinent)  but I was just wondering for future dr.'s visits...should I disclose my loss to them as a major medical change?  does it matter?

thanks in advance.

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8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)

-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)

11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13

8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF

IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties

12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!!  One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15

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Re: Question...

  • That is a really good question and I would like to see what others have to say. Personally, being in the medical field, I would say yes.  Because you never know how the hormones, weight gain/loss, delivery, blood loss, etc effects your body, even though you may feel fine.  Eye doctor... maybe not, unless they find a problem. 
    TTC since May 2011
    Provera x3 late 2011, no natural response. (Previous BCP for 12 years).
     Dx PCOS April 2012. 
    Clomid x 4 - no response.
    First FSH/Ovidrel cycle early Aug 2012 - 18 days of injections, slow growth, erratic estrogen levels, triggered Aug 21st. 
    BFP Sept 4th and Sept 7th! 
     7wk US Sept 28th - triplets! 
    Perfect triplets lost at 20 weeks due to incompetent cervix. Allison Grace, James Alexander and Colin Gregory forever in our hearts!  
    IVF #1 10/11/13 -  canceled before retrieval.  
    IVF# 2 11/28/13 - retrieval on Turkey Day! Hyperstim - no transfer
    FET #1 2/4/14 - miscarriage @ 9 weeks (Trisomy 6) 
    FET #2 6/8/14 - healthy normal baby! Due date 2/25/15
         Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I don't unless it's somehow relevant such as to my primary care doctor who I only see once a year. Obviously my OB and RE know everything.

    I know it's hard to be asked those questions though :
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  • Odd that you ask...I felt like my eyes changed a lot during my pregnancy. I find myself far more sensitive to lights. So much so, that I wear a visor at work. Which is funny because I'm in accounting and everyone jokes that my visor should be green...anyway, even since givigin birth to Lillian, they are still sensitive and I wonder if I need to go to an eye doctor. I've never been to one. But yes, I think you should tell them, because what if being pregnant changed the shap of your eye or something.

    And yes, it's hard being asked many questions these days :(

  • My vision was fine at my last appointment, but my dentist asked if I'd had some stress lately. I had two cavities that had just randomly popped up, and that could've been related to stress, they said. They also knew I was pregnant when I'd seen them last, so luckily, I just had to say that I'd had a loss and that had definitely caused stress.

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    My eye dr asks because your eyes can change during pregnancy.

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