December 2010 Moms

(NTR) Am I as horrible as I feel? (Long sorry)

Ok, so here's the backstory.  When I met H he had 3 cats, I had 1; we bought our house and the 4 cats had to learn to co-exist.  1 of his 3 can't stand to be around all the cats and started peeing where ever my cat likes to hang out.  It's totally a behavior issue and not medical.  So finally we quarantined her to our master bathroom where she has now been living for 4ish years.  I have begged, pleaded, and threatened over the years that we need to find a better solution for the issue.  He sees this as me wanting my bathroom back (which I do) but it's more of wanting a better life for his cat.

Fast forward to today.  Gracie is supposed to go live at an animal rescue this evening.  They have the ability to medicate her and have better knowledge to handle her behavior issues.  My H basically feels like I'm thrilled she's going to be gone because as he put it "You won and you get your bathroom".  He's had her for 10 yrs though and obviously getting rid of her is painful.  I'm trying to handle being the bad guy but I'm also 4 weeks away from having another baby so all I can do is cry and feel like the worst person on the planet.  If I had a solution to keep her in the house with us I'd be all for it but we can't have her living in our bathroom for the rest of her life and we can't have her peeing all over the house.

I'm terrified that my H is going to resent me for the rest of our lives because he feels like I'm making him do this.  It's the right decision for the cat and for our family but I wish I didn't have to be the one to force the issue.  Am I the worst person ever?  What would you do? 

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