
PSA - Photobook sale

Hey girls, I'm just a lurker on here right now so I hope its cool if I post but I thought this might be of interest to some of you ladies looking to make extra profile books.

Right now has a sale going on for their 8x8 14 pg hardbound cover books for $9.99. Its a great deal. I've personally ordered alot of these books for my photography biz and I've always been super satisfied with the results. 

Anyways got this in my email the other day and thought of you girls. The code is pxlove8x8

I think its good til the end of the month. Good luck on your journeys :)

TTC since March of 2012
Me: 27 Dh: 35 Testing Begins 3/5/13
Six SA's show DH has low numbers across the board = severe MFI
Genetic testing for me = MTHFR+, also carrier for blood clotting disorder Otherwise all else normal
Dh's karotype= Normal!!
 Mini-IVF/ICSI - July -August 2014 - 1R,M,&F Transferred 1 Grade 1 Morula-5dt - BFFN


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