
Baby wearing at airport?

Has anyone wore baby at airport?

Does security always make you take baby out and put carrier through or can you wear baby through security?

I've heard both ways.

Maybe it spends on which airport?


Re: Baby wearing at airport?

  • If your child can walk, your child will need to walk through the main security checkpoint.

    If your child cannot walk, you must carry them.

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  • They used to make me take him out and send the carrier and his shoes through the xray thing while carrying him. They've changed their security regulations since then and the last couple times we've flown, they've allowed me to keep him in the carrier/wrap, but they swabbed my palms for chemicals. This was the same in Detroit, St. Louis, and Denver.
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  • I wear E whenever we travel cross country. We use the Ergo. I put her in, front or back carry, and go through the metal detector with her. They do a chemical swab of my hands and then analyze it. When it comes back negative, they wave us on our happy way. I've never had to take her out of the carrier or had her patted down. 

    ETA: After reading the replies, its' weird how different all of the experiences are. FTR, I've been through, Sacramento, BWI, Philly, Little Rock, Orlando, and San Fran.  


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  • I wore DD through the airport everytime we've flown with her. It's the best. I've never had to take her off to go through security. She could walk last time and I still didn't have to take her off. But these were small-ish airports and domestic flights.


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  • I've had to take him off every time I have flown in Canada and the US



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  • Thank you.

    Looks like it is as random as I thought.

    I have an ergo but DD 2 2 months old doesn't really like it anyway but I'm not sure how else to get everone safely to the gate DD1 is 2 years old and will walk holding dh's hand.

    We have to check the stroller because it is a double city mini and too big to hate check.

  • Before he was walking, we had to take the carrier off and carry him. He's only been on one flight since walking, and they made him walk through.
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