

Hi, I have been lurking and wanted to introduce myself.  I had a lurker question a couple weeks ago that people so nicely answered about the heartbeats.  So, thanks!  Since then, I've had another u/s and both babies are doing well so I'm allowing this to sink in a little.

As for me, I'm 36, we have a son that's almost 3.  My H and I were trying for a little over a year and we determined I had a luteal phase defect.  My RE put me on a round of 50 mg clomid and IUI and we were so fortunate that it worked the first time - shocked to see 2 heartbeats.  (I actually had a 3rd area that was a collection of fluid and the RE was checking for triplets, but there was nothing there and it looks like that is gone now)

I've really enjoyed reading so many posts here as I'm getting used to the idea of twins and hope to maybe start posting a little here and there. 

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