Cloth Diapering

Dawn Stripping

Ok, with your help I have determined that I have detergent build up and need to do a Dawn strip. What is the best way to do it? I have a top loader.

Thank you all so much!

Married 6/28/08, TTC 7/10, BFP 11/30/11! Charlotte Rose born on 8/4/12! TFAS 8/13, BFP 10/14/13! Lori Anne Catherine born on 6/13/14!

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Re: Dawn Stripping

  • Start with clean diapers, and put them in a hot wash, adding a squirt of Dawn. Then rinse, rinse, rinse until you see no more bubbles.

    When I strip with dawn though, I actually do a hot wash (followed by the preset cold rinse) and then another hot wash before rinsing.

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  • Thank you!

    Married 6/28/08, TTC 7/10, BFP 11/30/11! Charlotte Rose born on 8/4/12! TFAS 8/13, BFP 10/14/13! Lori Anne Catherine born on 6/13/14!

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