The day is coming to switch DS to a toddler bed. Ive been dreading it, but it's getting closer, so I'd better prepare. Did you 100% childproof the room- anchor furniture, lock dresser drawers and closets? Did you keep a rocking chair in there? Does LO go through his/her drawers/clothes all night every night? DH says I'm overthinking it, but I just can't help but imagine waking up to outfits everywhere and DS surfing on the rocking chair?
Re: Big boy room question?
I just childproofed outlets and childproofed the bling cord.. We don't have dressers in the bedrooms, but I would anchor ones that could tip.
We went straight for twin beds with both boys - no major issues. We did anchor the dresser and bookcase to the wall, no glider.
I always suggest just going for the twin bed with a rail over the toddler if you have not already purchased. Eliminates some cost later on, if that is a concern. Also, lots more bedding to choose from!
Online Photo Editor
For some weird reason, A doesn't get out of his room at night. Even in the morning, he'll play on his bed for up to an hour and waits nicely for us to come get him.
Naps are another story - he's all over the place and won't stay in bed. We did get rid of the rocking chair and anchored the dresser to the wall. We did not lock the dresser drawers or closet. I put stuff I don't want him getting into on the high shelves and don't worry too much about it. I do have to clean up clothes and diapers about once a week, but it's not as bad as I expected.
ETA: We also covered the outlets and put a hook on the wall for the cord for the blinds.