DH and I have to make a decision about whether or not we are going on this trip tomorrow. His dad and stepmom take us and their other kids and grandkids on a trip every summer and this year it's the Dominican Republic. We would be going with a 4 month old and 21 month old. Our DD is a pretty easy baby but who knows how #2 is going to be. We are on the go and travel a fair amount in general if that matters.
Would you want to go on a trip like this? We'll have some "help" as far as babysitting goes and stuff but I feel like we won't really relax at all watching 2 young kids and that maybe we should just decline this year. However there's the other side of me that loves to travel and thinks we can handle it and that we'd be silly to turn down a free trip to the DR.
Re: Travel to the Dominican Republic with 2U2?
Decision basically got made for us... I am IUGR with #2 now so given that we have no idea when this baby could come we decided to decline. I was okay with taking a healthy 4 month old on this trip but if we end up having a preemie there's just too much risk. There's always next year!
As an aside... we may be invited to Puerto Rico for a week in October with my family so we have another chance to do a trip like this if we want to.
Yea I think next trip we agree to go on this like we have to have a suite. Last year we took DD to Jamaica and sharing one room STUNK. I can't imagine with 2! A house would be ideal!