I love both your middle name choices as first names!
Out of your first name choices, though, I'd go with Brielle. It's a name I should dislike based on my overall taste, but for some reason I find it quite pretty. I know that's totally a backhanded compliment, but also the most honest way I can think to express my opinion.
Really like Alanna--I prefer that spelling, but don't mind yours. Ashlyn is NMS, but I wouldn't side-eye it. Brielle looks and sounds unattractive to me.
3TC March Siggy Challenge: Funny Internet Meme Age: Me 26, DH 27, Married Oct. 10, 2009
,TTC since March 2012
Problem: Irregular menstruation, unexplained
Nov&Dec-Provera because of no period after 35+ days
First RE appt 1/10/2013
Tests: TSH (normal), Prolactin (normal), SA (abnormal)
Hysteroscopy (normal) and PCOS labs (negative/normal) 1/15/2013
2/1/13- HPT BFP but Beta Hcg was negative Plan: Femara + Trigger + IUI in April if no real BFP before then
Bloggy Blog!
My favorite is Ashlyn, but it may be because I went to high school with a number and they were all sweet girls. I feel the same way about Brielle; just not pretty to me. I don't like the way Alannah looks. I prefer the similar Hannah. I just adore Mabel especially as a fn! Rose is a little redundant as a mn, but refreshing as a fn.
Re: Down to a few, need some thoughts
Out of your first name choices, though, I'd go with Brielle. It's a name I should dislike based on my overall taste, but for some reason I find it quite pretty. I know that's totally a backhanded compliment, but also the most honest way I can think to express my opinion.
Really like Alanna--I prefer that spelling, but don't mind yours. Ashlyn is NMS, but I wouldn't side-eye it. Brielle looks and sounds unattractive to me.
Like both MNs.
times 2
And again!!
3TC March Siggy Challenge: Funny Internet Meme
Age: Me 26, DH 27, Married Oct. 10, 2009 ,TTC since March 2012
Problem: Irregular menstruation, unexplained
Nov&Dec-Provera because of no period after 35+ days
First RE appt 1/10/2013
Tests: TSH (normal), Prolactin (normal), SA (abnormal)
Hysteroscopy (normal) and PCOS labs (negative/normal) 1/15/2013
2/1/13- HPT BFP but Beta Hcg was negative
Plan: Femara + Trigger + IUI in April if no real BFP before then Bloggy Blog!
This again.
the only one i like is alana
ashyln is terrible
Another vote for this.
I really like Brielle and Ashlyn.
Not a fan of Alannah.
Not really a fan of the middle names either but think both would go well with your first name choices.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Yep, this.