Two Under 2


Just curious if you have a boy and girl what has your experience been like with the two kiddos bonding and playing together?  I kind of wanted another boy because it seemed like they would bond better being the same sex. kids will be 13 months apart.
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Re: bonding...

  • My kids are just under 13 months apart I think they have bonded/played together as well as same sex siblings would. They are attached at the hip and literally play all day together. We have lots of gender neutral toys though their interests overlap on some more traditional gender specific toys--my son has an interest in dolls; my daughter has an interest in trucks. I really think as they get older it will be nice to minimize rivalry since they'll have separate activities that give them one on one time with parents/special recognition for their individual accomplishments. I guess you never know though--both my son and daughter might want to do dance and compete over it. lol.
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