Not sure if there are any mommies on this board with now preschool aged preemies but I have a question about IVH.
My twins were born at 28 weeks. Baby A had a grade 1 IVH that resolved itself within about a week of his birth. Baby B did not have an IVH.
Baby B is and has been more advanced than his brother. They are now 4. We start prek in the fall and I'm just wondering if any of you have has issues years later with your IVH babies and what did you do?
Re: Preschool issues
This is what I was thinking. All kids, even twins, develop differently. DD didn't have IVH, but she was delayed when she started daycare/preschool at 2. She still needed interventions.
What kind of delays are you worried about?
My thoughts too. From what I understand about IVH, grade I is not neccessarily linked to CP or other developmental delays/issues. Is he delayed for his age or just compared to his brother?
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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