Loved the president's speech. I loved how he began by giving the historical context for government's role in our lives. I was surprised at his boldness, especially in regards to gay rights. I kind of teared up when he mentioned Stonewall in the same breath as Seneca Falls and Selma.
I felt very moved, but of course, he's preaching to the choir with me. I'll be interesting to hear analysis of the speech from other perspectives.
Thought it was all great. Loved the choir and teared up during America the Beautiful. And I got a pic of DD in front of the TV during the president's speech.
Re: Watching the inauguration?
DD is watching Caillou on the kindle fire, lol. She's not so interested in history!
Loved the president's speech. I loved how he began by giving the historical context for government's role in our lives. I was surprised at his boldness, especially in regards to gay rights. I kind of teared up when he mentioned Stonewall in the same breath as Seneca Falls and Selma.
I felt very moved, but of course, he's preaching to the choir with me. I'll be interesting to hear analysis of the speech from other perspectives.
DS is really into applause right now, so he just likes clapping along with the audience even though he doesn't know what any of it means.