Cloth Diapering

Initial Washing?

I read on one of the labels to wash 4-5 times before using on this true? I haven't even started washing my stash yet. Should I just go ahead and run them all through the wash 4-5 times? Including the inserts??


**Does this include washing and drying? Or can I just wash them a bunch?** 

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Initial Washing?

  • It depends on what the fabric is.  Like dishtowels, they become more absorbant the more times you wash them.  Natural fibres like cotton, hemp, bamboo need to be washed 4-5 times.  Synthetic fibres like microfibre and covers only need to be washed once.

    anything without elastic, snaps or plastic (ie flats or prefolds) can be boiled to increase the absorbancy, then washed once.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • For natural fibers, yes, they need to be washed a handful of times to remove the oils from the material that would make them repel liquid. They get more absorbent as they are washed a half dozen times or so. A lot of us will throw them in with towels or other laundry so its not quite as wasteful in the water department. You could probably start using them on baby after 2 or 3 washes but just remember they won't be at their most absorbent state yet, so you would change more frequently at first. Just don't prep your natural fibers like cotton, hemp and bamboo with synthetics like microfleece, microfiber and suedecloth. Synthetics, such as with pocket diapers, only need to be washed once before use...and washing them with unprepped natural fibers could make them repel.
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