i just don't know what to do anymore! last Sunday we got rid of the pacifier. ds1 is taking it rough. it was taking less and less time to put him to bed which i though was great. last night he woke in the middle of the night but put himself back to sleep. tonight on the other hand is much different. i had things under control until dh came home from work and went into ds room and took him out because he was crying. so now i'm stuck dealing with ds while dh is sleeping. i don't know what i'm really trying to say, i guess i'm just annoyed dh comes home and thinks he knows what he is doing then goes to bed and leaves me to deal with it
Re: so stressed out
I'd say "what's wrong is you took him out. Now you get to help."
He's asleep and you've been dealing for two hours? No. Not okay. He needs to get up now.
I'm sorry its been so rough. Did you take it aways cold turkey? Or have incentives--binky fairy? Maybe he just wasn't ready? I'm sorry you H is being such a jerk. We did cold turkey with DD (3)--actually she traded it for a band-aid. The second night was worst that the first, but it was over pretty quickly. DS1 didn't take a paci. At the dentist, DS2 was highly suggested to lose the binky at 2.5 years. I could see where it was messing with his teeth. We did the bye bye binky method. It used to be free but looks like its $10 now: https://www.bye-bye-binky.com/. DS2 took the thick Gumdrop pacis. And I started poking holes, the holes got larger and more frequent over the week. There was a big huge hole on the day he threw it in the trash all by himself. He never looked back. Best of luck!
Yeah, it needed to go. Hopefully, this phase will end soon.
What did you say and how did he respond when he brought DS out last night? Who put him back?
What did you say and how did he respond when he told you to check on DS last night?
Does he ever help at night? I can see where working longer hours might mean you take fewer night shifts, but this is his kid. He has to do the work.
I'm irked on your behalf and want to bring you a coffee and give your DH a nasty look. You need to talk to him and he needs to apologize.