I am excited and very scared at the idea I am a part of this group! lol
We found out recently that I am about 10 wks along and my little one is 7 months. we always talked about having our kids close in age ( my sister and I are 13months apart and hubby and his brother are 17 months apart) but guess I never thought of the actual work involved! (dummy me, I know!)
My little one is just starting to crawl around and get into everything!! I cant imagine going after her with a big ol belly !! She doesnt always sleep through the night so I can just imagine what its going to be like between the both of them!
We are a military family and my family is very far. Hubby's family is about an hour away, but we only see them about 1x a month. I guess im starting to worry about needing extra hands already.
is it too soon for me to start panicking?? is it normal to have guilt over having another so soon?
More power to all you mommies out there who are doing it and havent pulled all your hair out!! Superwoman I tell you!
Thats my brief intro, im sure ill be on here with maaaaaaaany other questions
Re: New to 2u2!
You will both be fine!
I will be completely honest, it is obviously exhausting in the beginning, but just like any child - you WILL find your groove with the new baby and somehow things fall into place. It just takes a little bit of time - and if you have support from your DH, it makes it easier.
Try to be very prepared before this baby comes (with freezer meals and such), maybe get into the habit of organizing and preparing food for the week - I'm talking breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks or so for your current LO. Late in your pregnancy and postpartum, you many not have the energy to be making random trips to the grocery store, and during postpartum recovery you may not feel well enough to pack up two babies.
I actually made a checklist every day of what needed to be done - even to the point of reminding myself to brush LO's teeth twice a day so it didn't get overlooked (my mommy brain felt like dinosaur brain and sucked). And I was so thankful for that list and felt like I kept it together.
Before you know it, your LO2 will start interacting with LO1 (but too young to take toys) and they will get along great and maybe you can even get them on a similar nap schedule = heavenly. Good luck ladies!