Anyone make their own yogurt?
I love greek yogurt, but it is so expensive and it is hard to find choices of full fat greek yogurt around here.
Does anyone have any experience of making it with yogurt bacteria? I have made it where you just add milk to already made active culture yogurt, but I've heard that adding the powdered bacteria works better.
Any brand suggestions?
Re: Yogurt making
We make our own yogurt. The culture I use is plain yogurt - either from our CSA, or I have used Stonyfield. After you make it once you can use your own yogurt as the culture.
It is easy to do - basically heat milk to 165, cool to 110, mix in culture and keep at 110 for 8hrs or so. To keep it at temp I pack the jars in a cooler with towels and hot water which I change half way through if needed.
In my experience it often comes out 'looser' than the stuff you buy. If that is an issue for you, add some powdered milk to the heated milk.