Cloth Diapering

Cloth wipes

I've been lurking and researching CD and feel like I have enough of a grasp to start my stash. I'm debating using cloth wipes at home, but disposables out and about. Thoughts? If you use cloth wipes, how man do you have? What's your method? Any other thoughts to share? Thanks!
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Re: Cloth wipes

  • I only have 18 so far (Thirsties fab wipes and Swaddlebees) and I need more!  I only got some to try. Like you, I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to do cloth wipes.  But they are so easy!  They go right into my wetbag (no garbage can needed near diaper station) and get washed up with the diapers you are using anyhow.
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  • We started out with disposable wipes and soon switched over to cloth. It's so much easier to put the wipe and diaper in the same place. I have about 30, which has been plenty for us for just our one child, with washing every other day. I made mine and my favorite ones are flannel on one side and terry cloth or chenille on the other. I youtubed turned and topstitched cloth wipes for help. I used to keep a peri bottle of plain water next to the wipes (you never know how many you'll need at each diaper change when they're little). Now, I just wet one wipe at the sink, as she poops on the toilet.
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  • Cloth wipes are much easier if you're already using cloth diapers. They can all just be thrown in the wet bag together. Even when you're out and about its easiest to use cloth wipes with cloth dipes. If you are using disposable diapers when you're out then use disposable wipes.
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  • Good points about disposing of wipes and diapers in the same place. We're the kind of people who use regular towels rather than paper towels, but keep a roll of paper towels for huge issues. We go through a roll maybe once every 3 months or so. We'll probably do the same with diapers and wipes-cloth 95% of the time and disposables for emergencies only. 


    For going out with cloth wipes, you keep a bunch in the diaper bag and a little spray bottle of solution? How do you determine how many to carry with you? 2 per diaper? 

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    My Ovulation Chart

    TTC #1 Since July 2012-BFP Sept 27, EDD June 9, 2013, Arrived June 14, 2013
    My blog-The Wino That I Know
  • You can't have too many IMO. I probably have around 80 to 100 but I'm about to have 2 in diapers. My faves are Luvable Friends baby washcloths that are about 6 dollars per dozen on Amazon. We have Circo wipes from Target too but the edges get really rolly so they're annoying to fold. I like my Gerber ones too but they raised the price. Anyway, its super easy to just put the wipes in with the dipes, no separating required, and no stinky wipes in your trash. Plus, they work better than disposables! I just have about a half dozen prewet ones in a wetbag in my diaper bag when we go out. If they don't all get used in a day or 3 I replace them with fresh ones so they don't mildew.
  • I keep them dry in the bag.  You can care a spray bottle, but I usually just wet them in the bathroom sink (most changing areas are in the bathroom).

    I have about 36 wipes.  Mostly extra wash cloths I was gifted and homemade flannel wipes.  

    I also keep disposable wipes as well.  They come in handy for cleaning her up on the go.  I got a jumbo pack about 4 months ago and still have 3 packs left.


  • I registered for 3 dozen flannel wipes from GMD at the suggestions of ladies here. But I'm debating just getting some flannel and terrycloth from JoAnn's and making my own. 
  • I have 24 Grovia brand wipes, and that is plenty for us.  We haven't used them outside of the house yet, but do plan to.  We just started using our one size cloth diapers about a week ago, since they just started fitting our DS. 
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  • I have 2 dozen and it's enough for some upstairs, downstairs, diaper bag, and daycare bag (but I usually only use wipes for poop).
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  • I have 24 and while I agree that is SO much easier to use them at home and seems sort of silly not to since they and the diapers all go into the wash together, I still use disposable wipes when we're out. I just find it easier to keep a small package of them always in the diaper bag and throw them in the trash in the public bathroom when I use them. Or sometimes I just stick them back in the diaper and then discard them when I get home as I"m pulling out the dirty diapers and putting them into the wash. I just couldn't get into the routine of always replenishing my cloth wipes and spray bottle of water in the diaper bag and I would often find myself without a wipe. I much prefer to just always keep a small pack of disposable wipes in my bag.
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
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  • I use both. I prefer cloth wipes, but I'm hopelessly disorganized. I was trying to prewet them since that is my preferred method, but I never was organized to do it on a regular basis. I've started trying to keep a spray bottle by the diaper station and in the diaper bag.....I had, like, five bottles of solution around and have managed to lose ALL of them.  I don't know what my deal is, but I'm trying. If I know it's a poopy diaper I will wet one at the sink.  I carry about 4 with me in a plastic travel wipes container. But then I also carry disposable wipes with me. I suck at remembering to restock by bag sometimes.  
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