Our plan is to move DS2 into DS1's 3in1 seat and get DS1 a booster seat once DS2 reaches the 30 pound weight limit. The problem is that DS2 is already 15lbs and I'm not sure we will make it until Aug. when DS1 turns 4. Do kids have to be 4 years and 40lbs to move to a booster or can they be 40lbs and not quite 4 years old?
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Re: Booster seat question
I would buy another seat over putting a child under 4 in a seat belt only seat. I moved DD2 at just shy of 5 and still have questioned her maturity to sit nicely in it. A lot of states do have a 4 AND 40 lbs law.
Yes, I'm looking at all boosters, some that have 5 point harnesses and the high back ones that you use the seatbelt with.
I'm terrified of only using the seatbelt but I do think DS will be mature enough for it. I will probably buy another with the 5 point harness.
Thank you for this link. It is very informative.
After reading GhostMonkeys link, I'm not going to get a seat belt only booster. I was terrified to begin with and am now convinced that a 5 point harness will be in our future for a very long time!
Totally late to the party, but no way way in heck would I put an under 4 in a seatbelt only booster, safety reasons included, but my sanity couldn't take it. FWIW, E is just coming out of the harness on hers and she's turning 7. There are good options out there, head over to car-seat.org and they'll give you good suggestions. Although at 3 with a tiny kid I'd still be rf, but that's just me.