Cloth Diapering

Stash advice

FTM mother here due in May.  I've decided to cloth diaper (thanks to the inspiration from my BFF).  I know that it's best when starting to get various diapers to find what you like.  I just purchased 4 BumGenius 4.0 from the Cotton Babies second sale.  My BFF is giving me a few of her Fuzzibunz.  I want to go with pockets and AI2.

 Any advice on what other pockets & AI2 to add to my stash?  

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Re: Stash advice

  • Flip covers and Thirsties Duo Wraps with some prefolds. I would try some fitteds too.

    BG 4.0 and Fuzzibunz Elites are my favorite pockets. OhKatys are nice, they are similar to BG but the pocket opening is in the front and they are slightly smaller. A lot of people like Rumparooz. Compared to BGs, the rise is shorter. Charlie Bananas are nice too but I haven't had to adjust mine yet so I'm not sure if that's difficult or not

    I would try a couple AIOs. They can be used by babysitters or grandma/grandpa if you really don't like them. The Swaddlebees OS Simplex is really nice. I haven't tried any Swaddlebees or Blueberry pockets yet but they, generally, make great diapers.  

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  • I plan to get Kawaii PNs for the newborn stage, and a few of their pockets to try, since they're so affordable. I'm certainly no expert, but I have read that Kawaii pockets run larger than most., and all sell Kawaii for about 7.50 apiece.
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    FTM mother here due in May.  I've decided to cloth diaper (thanks to the inspiration from my BFF).  I know that it's best when starting to get various diapers to find what you like.  I just purchased 4 BumGenius 4.0 from the Cotton Babies second sale.  My BFF is giving me a few of her Fuzzibunz.  I want to go with pockets and AI2.

     Any advice on what other pockets & AI2 to add to my stash?  

    You're going to need something to cover the newborn stage (before your Bumgenius 4.0s and other one size pockets start fitting).  Even if one-size pocket diapers say they will fit a newborn, they don't.  You'll have leaks if the fit isn't right on their scrawny legs with runny newborn poo.  I use prefolds or Kissaluvs size 0 fitteds with covers.  If you didn't want to go that route, I guess you'd need sized diapers for the first couple months. 

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  • Alva's. They are just like bumngenius work great and are only 5-6 dollars a diaper.
  • I have been looking at some newborn AIOs today.  The Swaddlebees Simplex Newborn & the Happy Heiny Minis have caught my attention.  I did purchased 2 Kawaii Pure n' Natural today.  They are supposed to fit from 6-22 lbs, so we'll give that a whirl.  I've also looking at some of the fitted too, I'll up date on what we decide.
    "I am a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me."~Maya Angelou BabyFruit Ticker
  • You should pick up an Oh Katy or two. I loved mine. They were really trim for us and come in great colors. Plus, they fit before any of my other OS pockets because they had crossover snaps.

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  • imageSarahW44:
    Alva's. They are just like bumngenius work great and are only 5-6 dollars a diaper.

    I love our Alva's 

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