
Am i crazy

i started my Christmas shopping already and plan to start wrapping gifts tomorrow. i love good buys!
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Re: Am i crazy

  • What gifts have you gotten already?

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  • Yup. Buying is ok. Wrapping already...a tad crazy.
    A: 10.02.03     

        M: 01.28.11 
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  • imageCTGirl30:

    I'm torn between saying she's crazy and wishing I had her motivation.

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  • imageRondackHiker:

    I'm torn between saying she's crazy and wishing I had her motivation.

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  • imagePhilaPhan:
    Yup. Buying is ok. Wrapping already...a tad crazy.

    I agree! I wish I was organized enough to shop throughout the year.

    Wrapping the gifts is a bit nuts.
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  • imageCTGirl30:
    I'm torn between saying she's crazy and wishing I had her motivation.
    I am so over Christmas. I will not be ready to deal with it again for another 9 months, minimum.

    ::sits on CT's bench::

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  • You must be better at wrapping or storing than me. Because my wrapped gifts fall apart in days.

    I'm bad at wrapping.

    image image
  • Yes, you are crazy.



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • Yes, you are:) If I find deals on little items throughout the year, I will tuck them away for birthdays, Easter baskets or Christmas, but that's about it. 
  • Yep. Totes crazy.
  • She's doing the paci battle. I really can't judge anything too much.

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  • If I started wrapping things now there is no way they would still look decent by Christmas.
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  • imageRondackHiker:
    She's doing the paci battle. I really can't judge anything too much.

    Good point. I never went through it with my kids, but I've heard horror stories. Carry on and keep shopping. 
  • Crazy like a fox.
  • imageshanado:
    Crazy like a fox.

    Come Christmas she will be relaxing and mocking us all.

    Can you tell I'm trying to hit silver? PW right here.

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  • Don't wrap yet! You'll forget what you got!
    I don't pass up good deals either. We've had dd's bday present bday in March since the summer :


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

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  • imageRondackHiker:
    Crazy like a fox.

    Come Christmas she will be relaxing and mocking us all.

    Can you tell I'm trying to hit silver? PW right here.

    I was just getting ready to comment on how close to silver you are! Go Rondack, Go!
    DS1 November 2009
    DS2 August 2012
  • imageRayRay007:
    Don't wrap yet! You'll forget what you got! I don't pass up good deals either. We've had dd's bday present bday in March since the summer :

    I was gonna say this. I would totally forget what I bought! If I wrote it down, I would forget where I put the note.

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  • How do you pick up a present for someone a year in advance?  I don't even know what I would want for my birthday in april  much less next xmas and my kids interests will change 3 times before next December.  
  • imageRondackHiker:
    Come Christmas she will be relaxing and mocking us all. Can you tell I'm trying to hit silver? PW right here.

    You have me beat. I am so close to silver, but it has taken forever. About two years!

    And, yes, laurie, you are crazy. 

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  • Yeah, that's a little crazy. If I wrapped gifts now and tried to store them, they would look like swizzle by the time Christmas came around 11 months from now.
  • I will not start shopping for Christmas for exactly 11 more months. I wish I had the drive to see gifts throughout the year. I don't, though. 

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i have my closet packed already, i speed the target 70 sale. i got a hot wheels track, Thomas the train set, sesame street kitchen, and lots of other things. i'm gonna write down what i bought and who its for in my tally sheet. I'd rather wrap now then be bombarded at Christmas with tons of wrapping
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  • Well, Clark.  Just don't forget where you put them.
  • I can't predict what DD will be like in another year, so there is no way I could pick out a gift yet.  Fall, yes.  Now, no.
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  • imagelauriebyronm:
    i have my closet packed already, i speed the target 70 sale. i got a hot wheels track, Thomas the train set, sesame street kitchen, and lots of other things. i'm gonna write down what i bought and who its for in my tally sheet. I'd rather wrap now then be bombarded at Christmas with tons of wrapping

    You're probably crazy but I am right there with you. I picked up a few things at the Target sale last week and I'll probably get the rest of my shopping done at their next big toy clearance in July. This is what I did last year and it worked out well. I have a closet where I keep the gifts tucked away, and keep a list of whom each gift is for.
    DS 3/11 * CP 6/12 * BFP 12/10/12, EDD 8/20/13
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