I came up with 2 more girl name options. Let me know which you like best. Our last name is only 4 letters and one syllable.
Elizabeth Katherine [Katherine after my mom] or Elizabeth Grace. We would nn her Libby Kate or Libby Grace.
Or Hadley Grace.
Ok. Let me hear it. Good or bad.
Elizabeth Katherine.
I don't care for Hadley...too trendy. And I love that Katherine is a family name.
This. I think I like the flow of Grace better, but I like that Katherine is a family name and has significance.
Elizabeth is one of my all time favorite girls names, ever. Personally I like it paired better with Katherine and I adore Libby Kate.
However, and I am guessing that I will be in the minority with this, Hadley is high on my list of guilty pleasure names. While I would never use it in the FN spot, I have considered it as a MN. I think it's just lovely sounding, so I like to hear this name on little girls.
Or, have you considered Elizabeth Hadley?
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Elizabeth with either mn is much better than Hadley.
I prefer Katherine for the family significance, plus I think it flows well, especially with a short last name, and Libby Kate is super cute (I like it better than Libby Grace).
ALL of this. I am really not into Hadley. I had a distant family member name their child Hadley Laken and I just can't get used to it months later.
Elizabeth Hadley would be my pick. Really cute name!
Elizabeth Katherine would be a close second because of significance.
Not loving Grace. Feels like a filler middle name here.
I agree.
Love a little girl named Libby! I would use this!